the artist and his muse

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miyano sat in his seat quietly, trying to use any brain energy he had left to try and focus on the lesson at hand—but sadly unfortunately for him.
It hasn't seemed to work as good as he thought it would,

So here he finds himself; slowly drifting off to sleep as he mind and thoughts seem to float towards 'something else' that something else being none other than Sasaki.

He couldn't help but think of sasaki as of late. it's strange
The two of them were considered pretty close to each other but, this was just strange to the latter it didn't seem normal to him.

Well he's never really thought of anyone like this before. Suddenly the urge to draw came to the younger male, he couldn't help it thinking about Sasaki, and how 'drawable' (as miyano puts it) he was. He just had to...
He just couldn't stop thinking about Sasaki.
And with the strange urge to draw him and so, he thought why not?. It wouldn't hurt... It was simply just him wanting to draw nothing else!

even though it was quite strange for him to want to draw his upperclassmen.
He didn't think to much about that part tho, he'd simply just draw a small draft or something, just to take him mind off the latter. And hopefully it'd work out.

And so, Miyano so graciously pulled out his notebook as he slowly started to start drawing an base for his soon-to-be Sasaki drawing, it was going well he'd finished the draft in under 20 minutes. But that's when he should've stopped than right?

Well that wasn't the case here, he was only continued to work in  confined silence as he simply worked on his drawing (of Sasaki)
The sound of pencil slowly guiding down over paper could be heated, as well as the sound of the sound of paper being erased on.

The paper on the page still smelled new, and the drawing was surely, slowly but slowly coming to life. At this point you could Kinda tell that it was Sasaki.. But not really there yet, of course you'd have to squint your eyes and have to know the name yourself to know that it was Sasaki. That being given miyano was kinda proud of his art so far.

Now, to be honest he wasn't an master artist but than again, his work wasn't half either bad..

About 30 minutes had gone by and the bell was about to ring, meaning class would get out in a few.

Milano being himself that he is didn't really notice when the bell had rung, he was so caught up with his drawing that he didn't even notice, Well not till hirano had called out to him that is.

“ hirano-senpai? ” Miyano says slightly shocked to see his upperclassmen in his classroom out of nowhere, “ ah.. What brings you here hirano-senpai? ”

Miyano asks before quickly realizing that he still had the drawing on his desk as he quickly puts his arms over it to cover up the drawing of his.

“ah.. Well the class bell just rung a little bit ago.. And I didn't see you exit the class, and well I had some papers that I needed to give you so.. Here” hirano says handing miyano the papers before turning around, waving to miyano and exiting his underclassmen's classroom to leave him to gather all his things.

“ ah thank you hirano-senpai! Take care ” the younger male says with a slight embarrassed blush Spreading on his face,

he couldn't believe that just happened... Hirano had almost saw his drawing of sadaki... How embarrassing, he hoped it wouldn't happen again.

But sadly he'd have to wait till he get home to finish his drawing (if he had time to)
Since class had ended around 10 minutes ago, so he had to gather his things and leave he supposed.
There wasn't any reason for him to stay after school anyways, plus if he stayed after school without a club he'd get into trouble.

Maybe he should join the art club or something, y'know so he could have a free excuse to stay after school when he wanted to...
And maybe just stay after school and draw sadaki more, that to get supposed. But it was only for the first reason really! Or so he told himself that is.

as he finally decides to gather his things, he couldn't help but see a wisp of orange hair from the corner of his eye, that couldn't be who he thought it was could it?
Yeah there's no way that it could be sadaki after all right?

Sasaki had to have gone home right? It was pasted 20 minutes after school after all...

But I guess god just loves to p
Mess around with miyano, just loves to interfere with his life and throw things into his daily life.

As soon as he turned back around to continue to gather the rest of his things he heard a cheerful voice call out to him as he was about to pick up his sketch book and put it into his bag,

“mya-chan! What a surprise to see you after school” sasaki says happily as he approaches the younger male, “y-yeah... What a surprise indeed ”

Miyano says looking back down at his desk while just slightly as he covers up his sketch book with his arms.

Of course sasaki had to show up before he could throw his sketch book into his bag.

“mya-chan what's that? ” sasaki says pointing to the sketch book he was oh-so obviously trying to cover up,

“ nothing! It's uh... Just something I was drawing in class earlier that's all!.. ” he says his whole face now flushing a lovely shade of crimson red as well of the tips of his ears.

“ may I see than? ” he says happily as he looks down at miyano with a smile on his face, it made miyano's heart beat a bit faster, that he goes again making him feel warm inside.

“a-ah it's not done yet... I don't think you'd wanna see it ”
He says trying to come up with a good enough excuse so sasaki wouldn't see his drawing,

“ ah if you don't wanna show me you don't have to.. ” sasaki says with a heart full smile as he leans in closer by miyano, “well... Uh if you want I can show you tomorrow!.. ” he says quickly before he could think about what he said,

“ if you don't mind than I'd love to! ” sasaki says happily.

Miyano just had to go and do it again... and Give into sasaki, man sasaki really did have a way of making him do and feel certain things...


“ woah mya-chan this is amazing! Is that and is that supposed to he me? You did so well! ” sasaki says happily looking at the drawing miyano had finished the night before coming to school,

“w-well it's the best I could do.. ” he says as his face slightly flushes a bright red.
“ you should totally publish your own art! ”

Ah now sasaki was just over exaggerating it now but nonetheless, sasaki still managed to make him feel things “ thank you.. ” he says putting his head down on his desk while blushing.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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