For You | chapter 35

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dayday faceclaim is at the end.


"bae give me a piggy back ride" melody jumped on dds back and they went falling down.  she smacked her teeth "you useless" she groaned.

"shoulda told me before you did it" he shrugged getting up. "okay let's try again" she said placing her hands on each shoulder.

he hoisted her up and grabbed the bottom of her thighs for support. "now giddy up horse" she pointed towards no particular direction.

he huffed but walked around. "bro go faster" she groaned. "no horse playing in the house melody get down" edot said from the kitchen as they walked in the living room.

"sigh" she said making ddot and notti laugh and she jumped off dd mumbling a settle 'bitch'.

"what y'all doing today" ddot asked looking around. "mel mel coming over todayyyy" notti dragged.

notti was excited for melody to meet his mom and his siblings so they could finally understand why he was always excited to be around her.

they always thought he was exaggerating when they just really didn't understand the type of energy melody withheld. he figured once they met her and got to know  her for themselves they would stop calling him dramatic.

he was most excited for melz to meet melmel. he really valued his older sisters opinion.

dd on the other hand , may have not shown it but he was nervous. he meant it when he said his mom was judgy and liked to criticize. he just didn't understand his mother only wanted the best for him especially at such a young age and period in his life.

he couldn't predict how it would go and it was killing him inside. he knew that he loved melody and never wanted to break up with her, but he also knew that his family's opinion did matter.

"oh shit what you going over there for" ddot smirked. "i don't know they said they family wanted to meet me" she shrugged.

when dd first brought up the idea of meeting his family melody didn't think anything of it. as the day got closer she started to feel sick. she was starting to realize she was meeting his family.

that on top of her anxiety wasn't a good mix. she was holding it together on the outside for dds sake because she knew what was going through his head. she could see it in his face he was worried.

so she figured if she put on a front it would help him calm down a little which was true. dd seeing that melody wasnt worried gave him hope that tonight would be okay.

you just never knew.

"so who all you meeting." ddot asked. "uhh i know star, notti and dd of course, so i'm meeting jay, melz, their mom..." melody paused.

"don't you have another brother?" melody looked at them. "yeah luis, but he won't be there" dd shook his head. "okay then that's it" melody looked back at ddot.

"cool cool" ddot nodded wondering if it was gonna be a shit show or not.

melody sensed the change of tension in the room. "y'all i saw this one thing on youtube when they react to tiktoks with friends or family" melody brought up.

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