part 5

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Author's pov
After engagement

With tae

They all enter inside mansion and want to living room sitting on sofa they all are so tired then jiminie said.

Jiminie;kids you all are looking so tired go and sleep it's already late

All:ok aunt

Then all of them want to their own room's

In tae's room

She come to her room and want to shower after showering she come out.

Tae was going to sleep that's when she saw her phone is ringing.

She saw it was from Jungkook she smile shyly and pick up call

With Jungkook

Jeon family come back and want to their own room's to take some rest

Jungkook come to his room and want to shower .

After showering he come out of bathroom in only towel.

Then he pick his clothes from bed and wear it.

Then he take his phone from night stand and called tae

She pick up his call

On call

Tae;hello (sweet voice)

Jungkook put his hand on his heart action like he got heart attack by tae's sweet voice.

Jungkook; hey bun

Tae;hiii " shyly said"

Jungkook smile and said

Jungkook; what are you doing??

Tae; nothing just going to sleep after showering what about you.??

Jungkook; oh did i disturbed your sleep

Tae; no no it's ok

Jungkook can feel by her voice that she is tired

Jungkook; are you tried bun (softly asked)

Tae; hmm a little bit

Jungkook; then we will talk tomorrow ok go and rest hmm.

Tae;no no it's ok we can talk if you want "shyly said"

Jungkook;no bun you're tired and need some rest so go and sleep


Jungkook; bun we can also talk tomorrow na. So go and sleep i know how much you have work to do for wedding

Tae smiled at how Jungkook caring and understanding she felt lucky for having understanding fiance like Jungkook

Tae;ok then. You also sleep i know you also have work to do.

Jungkook smiled and said

Jungkook; ok bun. bye good night and yeah dream about me

Tae smile shyly and said

Tae;good night.

They both cutted call and slept

Next morning

In kim mansion
In tae's room

Tae wake up and want to do bathroom for her morning routing.

After sometime later she come out of bathroom fully dress up.

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