【Chapter 2】

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Florence P.O.V!
I slowly opened my eyes as a stray of sunlight shined on my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and got up and walked straight to my bathroom to splash my face with water and brush my teeth

i put on a black dress with a white collar and white dolly socks pared with my Mary jane shoes. I quickly applied a bit of powder to make my face look smoother. I brushed my hair and went downstairs. As i passed a hallway full of doors i heared a familiar voice:"Good morning Flo" i turend to see little claire;"oh good morning claire! did you have a good sleep?" i asked and she nodded and followed me down stairs.

I walked into the dining room and everyone was just settling down:"good morning florence" Miss peregrine greeted me,"Good morning to you too Miss peregrine!" i said as i saw millard dropping the stack of plates he was holding and i quickly used my peculiarity to stop them from shattering on the floor and i moved them down at the table:"be a bit more careful next time okay ?" "yeah sorry" millard said muffled and sat down at the table. i turned to see olive walking in:"good morning liv!" "good morning flo!" she said as she hugged me:"also....can you get him to go downstairs? grumpy doesn't want to come out of his room,as always" she said rolling her eyes. "Sure i'll get him don't worry!" i said and i walked out of the dining room and walked the flight of stairs and walked up to the big dark oak wood door and knocked on it:"what?!" was heared from the otherwise and i opened the door and stud in the doorway:"are you coming down for breakfast? it's time to eat" i smiled and a voice was heard from down stairs:"Florence? is Enoch on his way down here?" Miss peregrine asked, "give me a minute! we'll be down soon miss!" and i turned back to enoch:"come on enoch,we're all waiting for you". Enoch looked at me and sighed:"on my way" and i smiled and i got out of his door way and he closed the door and we walked down stairs

Nobody said a word during breakfast ether because they were to tired or to hungry to have a chat. As i was eating i felt a pare of eyes burning at the side of my head and i turned to see enoch quickly looking down at his plate and i felt the corners of my mouth curl up and i looked back at my plate and finished.


It was time for everyone's daily chores,mine where;Make the leaves dance! Everyday at 13:30 some leaves would fall of the tree and with my telekinesis i would make them twirl and fly high! Bronwyn and Claire loved to she me do it. As i was walked over at the Tree the leaves always fell down i saw Bronwyn and Clare already waiting for me:"Florence! Florence! Make them dance!" claire said while clapping her hands in excitement and i smiled widely:"oh teacups! you both must be excited!" "yea we are please do it now florie!" bronwyn said happy. I checked my watch to see the timing:"and.....Now!" and 4 leaves fell down from the tree and i started to use my powers
(So if you have N O C L U E how florence het telekinesis works its basically like wanda her powers [from the MCU] but purple!)

Now!" and 4 leaves fell down from the tree and i started to use my powers (So if you have N O  C L U E  how florence het telekinesis works its basically like wanda her powers [from the MCU] but purple!)

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(so they are kinda like this!)

(so they are kinda like this!)

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(And this!)

I twirled my hand and the leaves followed as my purple energy was flowing around them and i made them spin likens tornado and i made them fly high and then i planted/made them land in a bush and i turned around and claire and bronwyn applauded:"That was amazing!" "Again again again!" and that sort of stuff they yelled and i giggled:"tomorrow i will do it again dearies! now go and do your own chores now!" they got up and ran to do god knows what and i saw Miss P (i'm gonna short Peregrine to P now:>) smiling and she gave me stare that said "Come over here" and i walked over to her:"Florence i have always loved your peculiarity and so have they other but i'm sure you can do so much more with it!" "Yes i think i might too but i don't really know how i find out what more i can do miss P" "That's why i came to talk to you,i left a book about peculiarities in the library for you sweetheart" "you did?! thank you!" i said and i ran inside,leading about my peculiarity made me so happy! I dashed inside and i almost crashed into Emma:"Florence!" she said laughing but stil white irritated and i dashed into the library and i saw the book on full display:"The Big Book About Peculiarities" i walked over to it and grabbed and immediately started flipping through the pages to find my peculiarity...Aha! there it is!

My eyes were clued to the page and my full focus was on the book that i didn't even hear the library doors open and close. I was reading when suddenly:"Boo!" was whispered in my ear and i let out a scream and dropped the book and turned around to see a smirking Enoch. "ENOCH O'CONNORS KNOCK IT OFF!" i scolded him and as i bent down to pick the book back up he grabbed it:"what are ya reading?" his scottish accent echoed in the library:"enoch please hand it back over." i asked

"enoch please hand it back over" she said i'm her heavily british accent,i looked at the cover:"the big book about peculiarities? seriously?" i said and i sat down at the desk that was in the library:"why the hell would anyone read this?" "Enoch your language" and i rolled my eyes. I knew Florence the longest out of everyone here i guess you could say i'm the closest to her than that to anyone else here. I remember seeing her peculiarity for the first time

I was sitting in my new home's garden as i spotted the girl who had entered this loop the same day i did,florence? i believe was her name? I was looking closely to her when suddenly a purple light came out of her palm,what was happening? i got up and walked over to her:"can you make light with your palms or something?" i asked and she smiled:"oh i don't! my peculiarity is telekinesis silly! with telekinesis comes energy manipulation!" and she pointed both of her hand and me and suddenly my feet got of the ground:"HEY PUT ME DOWN!"

"Don't you know enough about your peculiarity?" i said and florence frowned:"no i don't enoch! maybe you should look up your own peculiarity too,you might just discover something new!"



We just had dinner and it was time for movie night! I sat down in the couch and then i felt the couch sinking a bit deeper,enoch had seated himself next to me. The light went outland Horace put his little lense to his eyes. His dream first started off at him trying clothes as always. "ah this looks good on me!" "marvelous" and sort of stuff and then it screen projected a tall boy standing together with emma,it looked like they were about to kiss:"ohhh emma~" "emma look it's your new boyfriend" and stuff like that were said and emma looked at this screen while her cheeks tuned into a crimson red color. And then the screen projected me and enoch?

"No! it's not true! NO!!" dream me yelled as tears streamed down my face and enoch was hugging me and kissing my head:"i'm so sorry flo don't worry i'm here we'll make sure they will never hurt you nor your family" dream enoch said as he kissed my head and dream me buried my face into his shoulder and then the light flicked back on:"time for reset!" Miss P said and everyone's eyes firstly darted directly at me and enoch and then everyone stud up and followed miss P

After reset i marched up to my room trying to avoid contact with anyone after Horace's dream. Horace's dream start of normal but they switch to things that are yet to happen,he can see the future. As i almost reached my door i heared a familiar voice:"good night florence" it was enoch i turned around and quickly mumbled:"good night" back to him and then immediately went in my room and shut the door. I'll just sleep and forget it! I went to change to my sleeping gear and as soon as my head hit the pillow i drifted away.

HI GUYS!! IM CURRENTLY SOOOOO OBSESSED WITH MPHFPC!! I LOVE IT SM!! so here is a enoch fanfic!! see you guys in chapter 3 bye💋💓 - Author Avery<3

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