Y/N Hiddleston

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Tom Hiddleston had been dating a woman by the name of Y/M/N. However after some issues in their relationship, they broke up. However, Tom was unaware that he had broken up with her while she was pregnant with his own child.

It was around nine months after they stopped talking when Tom had a phone call on set. He of course answered the phone, thankful he wasn't acting.

"Hello, who is this?" Tom asked.
"Hello, Tom Hiddleston?" A woman spoke.
"That's me." Tom answered.
"I am Anna, I work at the Local Hospital. We have a patient who came in yesterday, she was pregnant. She gave birth earlier this morning, sadly, the bad news is that we don't think the mother is going to make it through the night." The doctor explained.
"Sorry, but what does this have to do with me?" Tom questioned.
"She said you are the father. We did a test and it's correct. Your the father of the child." Anna explained.
"Who's the mother?" Tom asked, pulling on some clothes while sorting out his dyed black hair.
"Y/M/N." Anna explained.
"Okay, can I know more about the baby or will I get told more when I arrive?" Tom asked, leaving his trailer
"I'd prefer to have you told when you're here." Anna explained.
"Alright, I'll be there in around fourty minutes." Tom spoke.

Tom hung up before running straight to where people were meeting up for the next scenes on the set.
"Excuse me." Tom spoke to the director.
"Yes Tom? Why are you not dressed for the next scene?" The director asked.
"I have to go. Family emergency, I am so sorry." Tom stated, voice rushed. 
"That's fine Tom, message me later if you can make it in tommorow. Alright?" The director asked.
"Yeah, thank you!" Tom spoke, grabbing his bag from where he had left it.

"EVERYONE! You can head home! We're done for the day!" The director yelled since every scene they needed to do involved Tom.
Tom just rushed out of the place, hopping into his car and starting the journey to the hospital.

Once Tom had arrived at the hospital, he quickly parked his car, pulling on a hat and some sunglasses before rushing inside. He knew people would probably know who he was, but it was less of a chance.
Tom went to the floor he had been texted, then the coridoor he had been told to go to.

Tom went up to the desk he saw, smiling at the woman at the desk.
"Hello, I'm Tom. I was phoned around thirty five minutes ago by a doctor called Anna. She called about a woman called Y/M/N." Tom explained.
"Ah yes, let me get Anna, she is meant to be showing you around, do you mind signing these forms for me? No need for payment, Y/M/N has already paid." The woman smiled, handing him some documents before walking away to grab Anna.

The documets were bacicaly just asking if he was willing to take their child and raise them, if their mother were to die. Then some documents about Y/M/N care. The rest was if he was financially able to raise a child. All the documents were signed with the correct information, including his phone number and current adress, which he would have to now change since he lived in a appartment. Raising a baby in an appartment might not be bad now, but soon it would be.

"Mr Hiddleston." A voice spoke.
"Ah, you must be Anna. Nice to meet you." Tom smiled, shaking her hand.
"Yes, if you don't mind coming with me. Y/M/N is expecting you." Anna smiled, taking the documents before guiding him to a private bedroom.

Y/M/N wasn't exactly famous, she hadn't been in the eye of the public more than twice while dating Tom. She was however pretty rich due to her job.
Either way, Anna opened the door for him, letting him walk in.

The hospital room was simple. He couldn't see the babies crib, but that was fine. In the bed was Y/M/N.
"Hey..." Tom spoke gently, sitting on a chair next to the hospital bed.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you..." Y/M/N spoke.
"It's fine, sweetheart. I'm not annoyed you didn't tell me." Tom spoke, gently taking her hand in his. "How are you feeling?"
"Not too good... But it's fine. I'm glad you're here. Even if the reason you're here isn't as good as i'd have liked." Y/M/N explained.
"I'm going to be with you this whole time, I promise you. Alright?" Tom asked.
"Thank you Tom."  Y/M/N spoke.

Around two hours later, Y/M/N had fallen asleep, Tom was beside her on his phone. However, snapped his focus away from that as someone opened the door, rolling something into the room. Tom glanced over, it was a baby's crib. It was mainly a plastic of sorts so you could see the baby from each angle except for bellow.
Tom didn't know the gender, but it was answered when he saw the pink on the child's wrist, he got the answer.

"Mr Hiddleston, your daughter, Y/N Hiddleston." The doctor explained.
"Wow, thank you." Tom smiled, walking over and looking down at his lovely daughter.
"We were going to ask Y/M/N if she wanted to feed Y/N, but since she needs her rest, are you wanting to feed her?" The doctor asked Tom.
"Sure, can you help me?" Tom asked.
"Of course, sit down Mr Hiddleston." The doctor spoke.

Tom sat down before the doctor gently put his daughter into his arms. The doctor then grabbed the warm bottle, handing it to Tom in his other hand.

After looking at his daughter for a moment, the doctor guided him on how to feed her. How he was meant to feed her the botle.
The doctor left him for a while, around twenty minutes. By the time she had returned, Y/N had thankfully finished her small bottle of warm milk. The doctor then taught him how to burp her.

"Thank you so much for the help." Tom smiled, holding the now sleeping Y/N in his arms.
"It's alright, another tip, you should probably do a bit of skin to skin with her. You can leave her in her diaper. Remove your shirt and you can lay her against your chest. Just make sure to cover her with the blanket." The doctor explained.
"Thank you." Tom smiled, letting the doctor leave.

Tom laid Y/N down for a few moments while he removed his shirt. He then gently removed Y/N's clothes, leaving her in her rather large Diaper. He then sat back down beside Y/M/N, placing Y/N on his chest. He then put the blanket over his daughter.

After a while in silence, Tom's phone vibrated for a phonecall. He carefully answered the call, careful not to move Y/N too much.
"Hello, who is it?" Tom spoke, his voice quiet.
"Hello Tom, just wondering if you'll be in tommorow." The director spoke.
"No, I won't be in tommorow I'm afriad. I might need to remain off of set for around a week or so..." Tom spoke, his voice remaining quiet.
"Can I have the reason as to why?" The director asked.
"I need you to keep it private...  But my ex girlfriend from nine months ago is in the hospital... She gave birth this morning and is currently in pretty bad condition. I need time to get my kid's bedroom done as well as settle her in. Not to mension be with Y/ M/N through all of this." Tom spoke, gently rubbing Y/N's small arm.
"What do you want me to tell the rest of the cast?" The director asked.
"Family Medical Emergency. Just say that for now." Tom sighed.
"Will do. Speak to you soon." The director explained.

Tom spent the next hour, buying random baby stuff online which would be dropped off at his home. This included a lovely stroller which he found rather adorable. It was a simple stroller, which had a baby seat which could be removed from the stroller and put into a car. Meaning he would always have it with him. Until Y/N got a bit too big for it anyways.
He knew it was matter of days before the news were telling everyone he had a child. He was having the stroller delivered to the hospital since he needed that.

The doctors came in regularly, checking on Y/M/N who slept through the day.
Tom soon fell asleep on the sofa of the hospital room, right next to the sleeping Y/N.

Tom Hiddleston's Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now