Lola, when will I see you again?

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12 December 2050

On this day thirty-eight years ago, was the day the Mayans predicted would be the end of the world. One thing I can say for sure is that they weren't too far from the truth because according to Clay, his world was coming to an end.

An empty, crumpled Red Bull can was tossed towards a toppling pile against the many cans before it. The towering pile glistened and gleamed like the summit of an icy mountain under the glare of the computer's monitor or maybe it could have seemed just a captivating if it wasn't a pile of undisposed trash sitting comfortability in the centre of a middle aged man's pig sty of a bedroom.


This could be read on all the sites for the new Imago console that Clay has desperately been trying to hunt down for the past few weeks- his contract severely depended on it.

Sales for the brand new Imago console skyrocketed on its release on black Friday, only three weeks ago. Props to the consoles marketing team because since then, the demand for the console had increased immensely to the point where its retail price in most areas was over four times its original price.

Many video game companies had already been preparing their new games, which are only compatible to the Imago console prior to its release in hopes to majorly cash out on the largest revolution in gaming history. For Beta testers on the other hand (folks who are paid to test and review new games) they have financially been suffering the consequences of this new release.

Imago is considered to be the revolution of gaming as it takes virtual reality to a whole new level by interacting with the human fluctlight also known as the human's conscience or their soul. This means with its technology, people can enter new worlds on a much more life like and realistic scale in comparison to virtual reality. The advancement of technology has allowed this procedure to be safely performed and finally commercialised on a global scale.

Scratching his dry, flaky scalp, Clay sat crouched on his desk chair mumbling and jittering frantically as he rocked himself back and forth. His eyes glazed with tears in despair as he comes to accept the predicament he has fallen into.

It's been difficult for Clay to find affordable beta testing opportunities due to every gaming company only looking to test out the Imago gaming console. However the console has become far too expensive for start up companies to fund the for the beta testers. As a result of the lack of funding, all contracts require beta testers to fund the console out of their own pockets. And if the expenses of this insanely advanced, inaccessible console was stressful enough for Clay, it doesn't amount to the negative figures accumulating in his bank balance.

A muffled ringtone from the house phone could be heard under a pile of a month's-due laundry. Hearing this, he hastily manoeuvred  off of his chair, causing an avalanche of crisp crumbs to fall from his lap to his stained carpet. He transformed into an athlete as he huddled the various piles on his bedroom floor, parkoured over his unmade bed and dodged the civilisation of half empty plates and cutlery sprawled across the floor like a minefield- one wrong step and it was over- as if his life didn't already feel over already. But this call became his reason.

"Hey, is everything"

"Why isn't your phone working, what time are you collecting Lola?" was the blunt monotone response Clay wasn't surprised to have received.

"I'm on my way as we speak", Clay lied. He had become a troll hiding in the darkness of his disarrayed bedroom in his underwear for the past few weeks searching for the Imago console losing all sense of time. He forgot he was supposed to charge his phone a while ago to prepare for his outing with his daughter Lola.

"Ah shoot, sorry I had it on silent-"

Out of nowhere, he trips over an idle spoon and yogurt pot on the ground, causing him to collapse into a large heap on the floor amongst the rest of the plates and bowls.

"You're still home now aren't you?", Lottie hears the catastrophic clanging in the background.

"No wait hon- I mean- of course not-"

"Just remember that you asked for this opportunity and Lola is really looking forward to it...just, don't disappoint her okay."

"I'll be there...and on time", Clay sighs exhaustively and places the phone down.

How could he lose track of time so much that he almost missed the opportunity he has been awaiting for years.

For the past two years, Clay had been awaiting the chance to see his daughter Lola who had been away with her mom, Lottie in the States. Her new stepdad is an american multi millionaire and CEO of a very popular video game company, which is partnered with the owners of the Imago controller. For years, Clay envied her stepdad, Larson's lavish lifestyle and his connections and power in the video game industry. But most of all, he envied how Larson could give his daughter the life Clay promised to her a long time ago.

Despite his sheer excitement, he fears Lola would be disappointed in him because she is now spoilt rotten by Larson.

Another ring came from the house phone, this time much clearer because it was no longer buried in the depths of the clutter.

It was Pascal from the start up video game company 'Surge' that Clay signed a contract to Beta test for.

"Hey'd ya find the console yet, son?", Pascal's failed attempt to not sound impatient.

"Not yet, but-"

"You got two days kid!", he instantly hung up the phone before Clay had the chance to respond.

The phone began to ring again, it was Pascal...again.

"By some miracle, a store just down the road from yours is back in stock and selling for half the original price. They're opening in the next hour-". This is the most help Pascal had actually provided Clay with over these weeks.

This is an absolute miracle and also quite the coincidence for a store to be in stock only down the road.

But that's roughly the time he planned to meet Lola

"Sorry Pascal but something just came up, can somebody else get it for me and I'll pay them ba-"

"Oy kid, I don't get paid enough for this. Either you get it or its over. Two days!"

He never intended to have to choose between his daughter and the console and time was already of the essence...

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