(Episode 1) Chapter 1

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– April 06, 2020, 09:30 AM –

–Detectives' Office, Deogeun-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea –

Sunmi parked her car in the lot where their new office, which was technically a container van before it was converted, was located.

"We're here, unnie." She announced to Sejeong, who fell asleep in the passenger's seat. The 2 had been living together at Sunmi's place for 6 months now, hence the reason why they arrived together.

At her words, Sejeong opened her eyes and sat up, stretching her tired limbs as she yawned.

"Thanks for driving, Sunmi-ah." Sejeong shot her finger hearts which made the younger girl laugh. Both of them got out of the car and made their way into their office. Once they stepped inside, they saw Jaesuk and Minyoung already there.

"Minyoung-unnie! Jaesuk-oppa!" Sunmi happily greeted the two with hugs. It had been close to a month since she had last seen them, at the farewell party for Jaewook, who had chosen to retire from the team to focus more on his family and the baby he mentioned he and his wife was trying for before.

"Sunmi-ah. Sejeong-ah." Jaesuk greeted the two as hugs were passed around. After they settled down, they all took a seat. Jaesuk, Minyoung, and Sejeong were seated on a solo couch each, while Sunmi sat behind the office desk since she had a report she needed to present. She was back to working on her Computer Engineering degree.

"I hope you guys don't mind. I have a presentation scheduled at 9:45 AM, so I'm just going to be here. I promise it won't take long to finish." She said as she pulled out her Macbook from her bag and set it on the table.

"Go ahead and finish what you have to. Good luck!" Minyoung told her as the 3 of them watched their youngest, work on her dreams.

There was a silence between the 3 of them as they looked around the state of their office, the sound of Sunmi speaking to someone in English in the background.

"How did we end up here?" Sejeong wondered out loud, looking at everything that was stored inside their office.

"It's because we have no income." She answered her own question with a sigh. It had been 9 months since they last received a case as a team.

"We're technically on the verge of bankruptcy. If it wasn't for Sunmi lending us part of this lot, we wouldn't even have an office space right now." Minyoung pointed out.

"Where did we go wrong?" Sejeong asked again.

"You know, that Flower Killer..." Jaesuk started to say.

"Gosh." Sejeong reacted at the sound of his name, her eyes going to Sunmi who looked like she was still in a video call and not listening to their conversation about her brother.

"That punk stabbed us in the back. And when the detective community found out about it, clients lost a lot of faith in us." Jaesuk reminded them.

"I can't trust people anymore." Sejeong answered him.

"I told him a lot of secrets too." Minyoung admitted and Sejeong gasped conspiratorially. Minyoung just rolled her eyes but couldn't hold back the shy smile and blush on her face.

"Did you like him?" Jaesuk asked her, seeing the expression on her face. Minyoung's smile immediately dropped as she looked at Jaesuk with an angry fire in her eyes, and Jaesuk laughed.

"I liked him." Sejeong was the one who spoke.

"You liked him?" Minyoung clarified.

"I did. But not in the way you do." Sejeong teased her as Jaesuk laughed.

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