(Episode 1) Extra 1

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-- April 06, 2020, 07:00 PM --

-- Seoul, South Korea --

"So, what's the plan?" Sejeong, who was seated in the middle row, moved forward to lean between the driver and passenger seats.

Sehun looked at Sunmi, who was seated in the passenger's side and looking out the window. They had just dropped Jaesuk off and she looked like she wasn't paying attention. He cleared his throat as he reached out and took her hand, which was in her lap, in his. This snapped Sunmi out of her stupor and looked at them.

"Uh, sorry, did you guys say something?" She asked as she looked at her sister and boyfriend.

"Yes, I wanted to know what the game plan was? I mean, with Seunggi-oppa coming back, the team is bound to know that he is related to you by blood. We promised not to keep big secrets among each other, remember?" Sejeong reminded the younger girl who then sighed.

"I know. I'm just thinking about how I should tell them." Sunmi answered.

"Well, do you want to head over to the hospital right now to check on how he's doing?" Sehun asked her and she nodded her head at him. He gave her a small smile to cheer her up as he kissed her hand, which was still in his before letting it go. Sunmi smiled at his gesture.

"I love you." She said as she placed a hand against his cheek and caressed it. Sehun responded by turning his head to kiss the palm of her hand. Sejeong interrupted their moment by clapping her hands together once.

"Okay! Single human, still here in the backseat." She jokingly complained, as Sunmi's hand dropped from Sehun's face and looked at Sejeong with an embarrassed laugh. Sehun jokingly looked at Sejeong with narrowed eyes, which made Sejeong laugh at him. He sighed as he turned back to start the car and head off towards their next destination: the hospital.

"Let's stop somewhere first, though. I'm hungry."

-- April 06, 2020, 08:00 PM --

-- Hospital, Deungchon 1(il)-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, South Korea --

Sehun parked the car in the designated area and turned it off before the three of them exited the vehicle. They had stopped by for dinner first before coming here, so Sunmi was able to calm her nerves at seeing her older brother again, a little bit. She looked up at the hospital building. Jongmin had sent a message in the group chat earlier, to let the rest of the team know which hospital Seunggi was taken to. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to her right to see Sejeong.

"Don't worry, we'll be right behind you this time." She said with a comforting smile, as Sehun took Sunmi's left hand in his. Sunmi took a deep breath in and out before making her way into the building.

"Excuse me, I would like to know what room Lee Seunggi is assigned to?" Sunmi asked the information officer once they stepped into the lobby of the hospital.

"Sorry but visiting hours just ended. Are you related to the patient by any chance?" The information officer asked and Sunmi nodded.

"I'm Lee Sunmi, his sister." She answered, a little unsure if Seunggi had placed anyone down as his family. The officer nodded as she looked at her computer screen and typed in a few things. After a while, she looked back up at the young adults who looked at her.

"Ah, yes, your name seems to be listed as Seunggi-ssi's family, although no contact number was given. Since he didn't seem to have insurance available, we weren't able to place him in a room. So, he is located in the emergency ward right now." The officer explained to her and Sunmi nodded in understanding.

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