Chapter 1

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Opening their eyes, realizing how the sunrise entered the room of the teenager hitting the posters that had famous musicians of all time and recent ones. The girl felt so lazy to get up, so she stayed and admired the view, her room had a lot of scores for the piano and even drawings made by her best friends. She didn't have a very organized room since yesterday she was so nervous and searched everywhere for her student uniform, she found it, no worries about that! Other than that she had a lot of books on the floor. Trust me she is organized but when she rushes, she no longer cares about that. A small ringtone could be heard by the girl, and she gets up with laziness and closed it. She takes the phone and searches for the schedule for her first day of high school, she starts amazingly with normal subjects and after them, she will have two hours of piano lessons. She makes her backpack and gets her uniform that had a musical symbol with her name next to it, and since she was the first year she had the name in yellow "Hakos Baelz

She heads to the bathroom and dresses, she had enough time, so she didn't rush. Checking herself in the mirror and grabs all the books that were on the floor, organized them on a bookshelf, and took what she needed: math, English, chemistry, of course, the scores that she learned by playing the piano and other subjects.

-Finally done with the backpack! says Baelz and opens discord just to see a spam of messages from Mumei and Sana asking her a lot of questions and one of them being "where do we meet?"

-What would I do with these two dorks in this High school? says Baelz smiling and wondering how this first day will be.

And so she heads down to meet her parents talking about what they must do today while eating, they notice Baelz and give her breakfast.

-Good morning! Are you ready for the first day? says her father 

Baelz was a little occupied by texting her best friends, so she only says"ye" and uses one hand to text and the other to eat. Her parents don't feel so grateful for this action they say.

-Make us proud Baelz, 'cause if you don't you know what might happen. says her mother and turns to do the dishes while her father only eats in peace.

At this Baelz looks at her mother and reminds the drill that her parents want from her. She hates this pressure, but it was her dream to go to this High school, so her parents won't stop her. She closes her phone and eats. She had a bowl of cereal with milk, she ate it fast since she doesn't like the cereals when they get soggy, and so she finishes fast. And goes to get her shoes.

-I will drive you to the High school. says her father after finishing his meal and heading to get his shoes too and the keys to the car

-Thanks, dad! says Baelz and waits outside for him to come.

Her dad comes and opens the car, Baelz gets in the front seat and texts her friends that she is coming. Good thing that the High school wasn't so far away!

Baelz liked to watch the roads when she was in a car, relaxing. Until her father started to speak.

-Since now you are in this popular High school, you can finally play in bands or even compose music! says her father and stops at a red light

-I don't want to join this stuff so fast dad, It's the first day. Let me just get used to the program that we already have. says Baelz and looks at her locked screen picture, it was a photo of a chibi mouse made by Sana for her.

At these words, her father stays silent and drives, Baelz became proud at this and gets this moment to once again admire the streets and the students that walked and talk in groups. They arrive, and his dad tries to find a place to park his car, the High school was too crowded, and Baelz could see the struggle with his dad, so she gets out and says cheerfully to her dad.

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