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Your world was darkness. Frigid cold. An endless abyss of nothing.

You didn't know how you'd gotten here, and there was no way to guess how long it had been. Sometimes you heard faint noises. Beeps, muffled voices, every so often the sounds of metal clicking against metal. But mostly, you were cold.

You waited for a red glow to permeate your black void. But the darkness remained stubbornly whole.

You waited for warmth to come relieve you of this numbing chill. And there was something hot, but it was coming from inside you. Your stomach, your intestines, were beating like an extra heart, pulsing with a heat that somehow didn't warm you. But the void remained obstinately cold.

And sometimes, it got even colder.

Every now and then, the darkness seemed to shift into a deep blue, like the depths of the sea. But you thought it was just a trick of your exhausted mind.

In the end, you just sat there, in the dark and the cold, and thought of nothing.


There it was!

You tried to reach out, tried to draw closer to that deep, rich red blooming out of the darkness. You could feel the faintest tendrils of warmth curling around your body. A flood of relief almost knocked you into the black abyss yawning beneath you, but there was enough light, enough heat, to keep you afloat.


Something was wrong.

The glow was there but remained faint and distant. The warmth stayed as a ghostly touch on your skin, leaving you shivering in the wake of its taunting retreats.

Someone was speaking. A low voice. Hard, final. Too muffled for you to make out any words.

You needed to wake up. You needed to open your eyes.

But before you could even start to try to remember what your body felt like, everything vanished. The voice, the light, the warmth.

You were back in the frigid abyssal dark.

And you were alone.

Until the Last Petal Falls [Sakazuki x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now