Chapter 1

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Hey guys, welcome to my O2L fanfiction! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes because I'm writing most of this on my phone.
NOTE: O2L have not broken up yet in this story and Connor has not left either.

Hannah's POV
I looked out of my window and gulped. I could see lots of family's walking in the adoption home gates and the care workers greating them with these big smiles. The family's looked around the place, looked at the things that grew around the big house all us kids were kept in or they just walked straight from into the house.
God, how I dreaded this day.
There wasn't really a name for this day bus basically it was when a bunch of family's came to look at the kids in our adoption home and decided if they wanted  to adopt one of us. The older kids like me never got fostered. It was always the eight and unders. It was really unfair but I guess that was how things went. I was doomed to stay here forever. No one wanted me. End of.
When your mother died when you were five and your father decides that he prefers alcohol to his own daughter you tend to think these things. What's sad about it is that soon you get used to it. Now that sucks. And when you feel like you're totally unwanted you also build this wall around yourself. You act tough and strong, like you aren't breaking at all. But you are. All the time. It's terrible.
The only good thing is that soon the tough act soon becomes a real thing. It isn't an act anymore. You actually are tough and strong. That's great, to kniw how far you've come. You feel proud and the world doesn't seem so scary anymore.
Well, it doesn't seem scary until this day.
Whenever these days came around (that was once a month) I was terrified. I don't really know why. I guess it was just the thought of all these people there, you're chance to escape, and then it being taken away from you. It was horrifying! I just didn't want to exist those days.
Just as I was about to go to the bathroom, a care worker named Eavine, knocked on my door.
"Hannah?" she called. "Are you dressed yet?"
I gulped. It was 10:30 and I was asked to get dressed at 10:00.
"Uuuuuhhh..." I said, kind of giggling, hoping that she would just laugh.
She sighed. "Haanah, get dressed and if you're not down in the kitchen in 15 minutes -"
"Okay Okay!" I called back. "Chill pill!"
"What have I told you about saying that to me!?"
I laughed. "Fine, I'll be down asap!"
"Fine." Eavline said and I heard he go down the stairs.
Just before I wrnt to the bathroom I looked out the window one more time.
It's okay Hannah, I thought, deep breaths.
But all I could think about was the twisted feeling in my stomach.

Connor's POV
As me, Jc and Kian sat in a taxi, waiting to get to the adoption home in London, I started to think about what our lives would be like with new member to our family. Instead of six sixths of O2L it would seven sevenths of O2L. I mean, the kid probably wouldn't be making videos but they would still would be part of O2L in a way. And would it be a boy or a girl? Would they like us? What if they hated the fact that all of us were YouTubers!? Oh God, I felt  a headache coming on.
"Okay, I'm sorry but I need to say it again." said Kian.
I shot him a glare. If he repeated himself one more time-
"So you've decided that you want to adopt a kid, from England, bring me and Jc with you and-"
"YES KIAN!" I snapped. "Yes I did. For the twentieth time since we got on the plane.....yes."
Kian stared at me with wide eyes while Jc laughed.
"Um...Okay...." gulped Kian.
I sighed and then saw that Jc was laughing harder.
"What?" I asked and then saw that he was pointing to the front of the taxi. There was the taxi driver, staring at me and Kian as if we had ten heads. I gulped and tried to disapear into my seat but Kian just rolled his eyes.
"Yeah," he said "And I live with him!"
"Hey I'm not that bad!" I said.
Jc continued to laugh.
"You guys!" he chuckled.
"So you're adopting?" asked the Brittish taxi driver.
I nodded. "Yup!"
"But what for?" he asked in disbelief. "You three are just boys yourselves."
I looked at the guys with a "WTF DO I SAY!?" look. The reason we.. Well I wanted this kid was a bit bizarre. About six months before this I had gone out with the guys and I saw a mother, a father and a little girl. The girl was eating icecream, smiling and laughing and her father kept taking a lick of the icecream , making the girl laugh and say "Daddy!" followed by more giggles. The mother would look at them and smile and when I saw them I immediately felt my whole world come down on top of me. I realised that I would never be able to have that. A family, a kid. Well , I could but it wouldn't be proper family, because of my secret. So I looked at the guys and said; "Do you guys ever think about having a family?"
The confersation went a bit mad from that point on. But soon we decided that we would adopt someone from London because my friend Dan (You may know him as Dan Howell or Danisnotonfire) told me there was a big orphanage in London that we were bound to find a kid we liked.
I just shrugged at the taxi driver and said, "Just wanna try something new."
He laughed and shook his head. Then we all went back to either driving, looking at our phones or worrying about this new memeber to our family....

Hannah's POV
I was back looking out the window but this time I was in a black knee high dress with long sleeves and I was wearing my black knee high boots. The nerves were getting worse now. I was petrified at this point. I needed to calm down but I couldn't. Out of all the things there were to fear in the world I feared rejection. Rejection.
God above, Hannah.
Just then there was a slight tapping noise at my door. I didn't even need to say come in. Jake walked in a small smile on his face and said the words that could make me feel better in a heart beat.
"You OK, Hannah Banana?"
I came to the orphanage when I was around seven years old. I was scared, alone and I was putting on this "I'm so tough" act when I was really breaking to pieces. Jake, who was a year older than me, was my only friend. I didn't want friends but he insisted I needed one.
"No I don't!" I shouted at him, feeling very offended. "I don't need anyone! I'm fine just by myself."
He rolled his eyes. "Fine, you don't need anyone. But..think of this. I'm all alone. I may need someone tough like you around."
When he called me tough we immediately became friends.
We had been friends ever since. I don't know what I would have done without him. He gave me the nickname Hannah Banana and I called him Jakey. When he asked me was I okay I felt better and that was the way I liked it.
I laughed. "Super!" I said, rolling my eyes and went back to looking out the window.
He gave me a sad smile and sat next to me. "Hey, it'll be OK."
"That's what you always say." I grumbled.
"Maybe this will be your time." he said. He wasn't going to stop telling me that.
"Jake, don't." I mumbled. "You always say that but we both know it's not happening. I'm not getting out of here any time soon."
He stared at me with these sad eyes. He put his arm out and we sat there for a While just hugging. I know it was bad of me but I really hoped Jake wouldn't get adopted. I needed him more then he knew.
Suddenly Eavline was at my doir. "You two ready?"
I looked at Jake nervously and he nodded, hloding his hand out. I took it and together we walked out the door and hoped for the best.

So that was my first chapter! Hope you liked! Comnent, favourite and share with your friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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