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Joyce hold me by my shoulders. She had come to check up on me as she probably heard me cry. "can you bring me to hoppers cabin?" I asked her. She nodded and let me to her car. De drive was fast, and when we arrived I got out of the car quickly, I waved to Joyce. She would get me in half an hour. Giving me time for myself. The door is already open. The roof is still split in two from the mind flayer. But that doesn't matter for now. I walk further to my room. Which door is closed. I open it and walk through. It almost looks the same. Except, there's someone under my blanket. Wait what. My heart started racing and I took a few steps back. But the person who lay there didn't move. Maybe it's a homeless person. Carefully I enter the room again, slowly walking forward until the blanket is reachable. I take a little in between my thumb and finger and lift it just enough to see... bright red hair. All the anxiety leaves my body. It's just Max. of course it's Max. I promised her myself that see could use my room as a place to be alone. I sat down next to her. Softly running my fingers through her hair. She is deep asleep, cuddling my old teddy bear. I cried a lot when I couldn't find it in my suitcase in California. Max promised to search for it and bring it with her when she would visit. But she said he couldn't find it. I felt her stir under my fingers. Her eyes opening a little. That's when I remembered I didn't only fought with Mike. She hates me too. But instead of yelling at me she took my hand and pulled me down in front of her. "Sorry about the bear, I felt like I would lose you completely if I didn't have something for you to come back to." She murmured. She opened her eyes and looked right at me "and I'm sorry for yelling at you. You couldn't have known what is normal for friends to do, and what is normal to do with boyfriends." I just looked at her. She speaks so gently to me. So unlike Mike. "So if I really want to kiss you, does that make you my boyfriend?" she let out a laugh before saying: "No, Mike is your boyfriend. You can't have multiple." There was a shake in her voice. Her voice was laced with pain. And her eyes are still red and puffy, she must have cried a lot after she left. This and the mention of Mike made my heart hurt. "what does Dyke mean? Or faggot?" I ask her softly. Max shot up. "how do you know those words?" she asks in a stern strong voice. "Mike called me those, after saying it's not normal to kiss girls." "He's dead." She said, ready to stand up. But I hold her in place. "what do they mean." Max sighed and continues in a soft and kind voice "they're slurs for woman who like other woman, in a boyfriend way. But they're ugly words, and only ugly people use them" "what's the pretty word?" "I like lesbian, or sapphic." "Do you think Mike will forgive me? For being a lesbian?" "maybe, but it doesn't matter, we will start a party without Mike, the other boys can join. Maybe even Mike if he admits he is a faggot too. We'll call it the anti-Mike party." I giggle at her and she joins in. After a moment the laughter dies down and she continues: "but are you sure you're a lesbian? Just because Mike called you that doesn't mean you are." I look her in her eyes, they radiated hope and disappointment. "oh but I am." I say confidently. "how do you know for sure?" Max asked me. "I kissed you first remember." I smiled at her. Her cheeks turned a bright red. And I leaned forward. But before I closed the gap I whispered "I never wanted to kiss Mike, I only ever wanted friends. Until I saw you, there's this strong urge that just doesn't go away. And then she locked her lips with mine. Our lips are dancing as all the frustration of the last few hours left our body. When we pull away to catch our breath we fall into a snug cuddle. I whisper in her ear: "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" she laughs at that. "no, I'll be your girlfriend. But only if you'll be mine."

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