#! clearing up confusion.

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Remember when Cyno kissed you? Yeah of course you remembered that.

Not only did he kissed you but days after that he kept on hmm let's say being EXTRA nice like staying late in school for you which sounds like something he actually will do but then it got weird like holding you back when standing up off your seat or pick up a fry for you and blow it then give you back it...

Now you're wondering where did he get these amazingly nice tips from? No! Not Tighnari and clearly not Nilou either it was..





Now yes Cyno and Alhaitham isn't the bestest of friends and Alhaitham heard that Cyno got a little crush on you because duh it's clear as the blue skies, he thought it will be nice to give Cyno amazing advice, very amazing.

Why would Cyno take advice from someone he hates? Well number 1 he has no clue what to do and 2 Alhaitham is surprisingly popular with thy ladies.

You on the other hand found it weird, grateful yes but the whole holding your back thing makes you think that he find you old.

So today you stood your ground! And went to complain to Nilou.


"NILOU. I don't understand him. I mean I like that he's treating me nice but this nice isn't Cyno nice. You know what I mean?"

You said resting your head on her lap. It was lunchtime and you both was in your signature spot as always. Nilou agreed to hear your odd rant, she found it funny.

Last time it was about hiding your secret from Cyno now it's trying to find out why Cyno isn't being himself.

"Y/n, I know what I'm gonna say will sound cliché but I think he likes you."

"Yeah I figured that out ever since he kissed me."


You stared at Nilou while she obviously stared back at you in shocked. You then forgot that you told no one about that.



Nilou stared at you with her arms folded and a little pout on her face.

"Spill it now."

You then sighed.

"After some drama went down he walked me back home and give me a lil kissy."

"Kiss? Where? On the cheek..?"

"Nilou you're making us sound like 13 year olds."



She gasped and stared at you in disbelief.

"THE Cyno kissed you?"

"...Nilou I think you drank too much juice.."

"No! No.."


"Tighnari do you think I doing this right?"

"Doing what right?"

"The way I'm treating Y/n now."


Cyno then remembered he told no one about the change in treating you. Only Alhaitham knew, because he's the one who gave him the advice y'know.

Seems like Cyno forgets a lot..


Cyno said as he sipped on his juice box.

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