I need alies

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James 'pov
After Transfiguration,we have fifteen minutes break between classes . The professors have to prepare

"I have to have alies .I am the queen of the Wizarding world .I need people who I can trust .you guys were here from the beginning. I will have an council . Tell me who you think that would switch sides . Professors, students and other staff" Chloe signed

"Horace Slughorn he is the potion master. also likes the company of the famous, the successful, and the powerful. He enjoys the feeling that he influences these people. He has never wanted to occupy the throne himself. He prefers the back-seat; there is more room to spread out .  If Evans talks to him. Severus Snape would do anything for her. I hate that they are in love with you but Narcissa and Andromeda will follow you no matter what. They never wanted to be death eaters " Regulus said

Filius Flitwick. He is the charms professor .he is very loyal .he is an very talented duelist. Alice and Marlene. Fabian and Gideon Prewitt " Evans said

"Frank Longbottom will fight for what is right. Amos Diggory. I can convince him . " I said

" Alexander swift who is an Ravenclaw. He is an creative spell creator. I will talk to him " moony said

"The most of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Some of the Ravenclaws. Good mount of the Hufflepuffs." Padfoot said Chloe nodded

"Great!!! I will arrange for an dinner to gain alies with my parents. I have an feeling that they already knew about the prophecy " Chloe signed she rolled her eyes

"I am sure that they did keep it from you to protect you . People would have tried to control you  .we will never let anyone to hurt you " Regulus said we arrive at the dungeons for potions .the porait of Salazar Slytherin he bowed to chloe "hello my majesty " he said she smiled "hello professor Slytherin how are you?" Chloe signed " I am doing well" he said" mudblood " Regulus said the password we winced the door opened we went into the classroom Slughorn was at his desk he smiled "hello everybody! Welcome to an new school year. I will come around and pass your class plan sheet " he said he walked upto us and he gave our plan sheet
Elixir to Induce Euphoria[67]
Wit-Sharpening Potion (Revision)[68]
Cure for Boils (Revision)[68]
Felix Felicis[7]
Hiccoughing Solution[67]
Draught of Living Death[7]
Polyjuice Potion[7]
Garish pink blended poison[10]
Antidote to garish pink blended poison[10]
Everlasting Elixirs[66]
Wound-Cleaning Potion[69]
Cheese-Based Potions[70]
Laughing Potion[71]
Cough potion[72]
Potion for Dreamless Sleep[73]
Regerminating Potion[74]
Memory Potion[75]
Scintillation Solution[76]
Essence of Insanity[77]
Garrotting Gas[78]
Sopophorous bean[7]
Sloth brain[68]
Powdered Root of Asphodel[7]
Infusion of Wormwood[7]
Valerian root[7]
Ginger root[68]
Scarab beetles[68]
Armadillo bile[68]
He looked at Chloe his eyes widened "hello! I am Horace Slughorn and you must be Ms .Chapman Albus had been talking about you . It's an honor to meet you " he said

Chloe's pov
Horace Slughorn is an fat balding happy man. Regulus said that Slughorn will follow anyone who will be successful in the future. Just like my grandparents I smiled

"It's an honor to meet you too. I assume that Albus told you about the prophecy?" I signed "yes my dear " he said " I would like to talk with you. I have to have alies and I will love to have you as a alie." I signed " of course ! I would like to be in your service my majesty " he said " I will arrange a dinner for future alies .I will owl you the details " i signed " I will be waiting for your invitation " Slughorn said he left

"Chloe, I don't think that you will have an problem with gaining alies " remus said

"Yes! You are very charming. You are  fair .you have proper pureblood training  .you are everything that a great ruler should be " Sirius said

" Chloe, everyone loves you! You will be an amazing queen . You can bring peace to the Wizarding world. I doubt that you will can completely stop the hatred of muggle and muggle borns but you will help alot " lily said

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