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" I don't know if that's such an good idea John. You know I have to learn for my next exams." I said to my friend "Oh come it's just one Night and we just play for 60 minutes I think that's possible for you." I sighed. " Well okay." He smiled " Oh thank you thank you thank you!" I laughed "Calm down!" He took a deep breath " Okay and I have to go now because yk practice and stuff like that."-" Yea better you go now." I gave him his Jacked and we said each other a goodbye and he left. Now I had more than 1 hour to get ready. I decided to take a shower before I go. After the shower I was trying to find a good outfit but I found It really quick. I did my makeup and left my flat. The pub was not far away from my flat so I go to it. Arrived at the pub I saw not many other people. I sat down by the bar and ordered a cocktail. I recognised a tall men next to me. He seemed nice. "Hey." I Said " Hello."silence "what is a beautiful lady like you doing here?" He ask. " My friend has a Band and they're playing here tonight." he smiled " and you why is such an beautiful men like you here?" He laughed a bit " well I'm here to play music with your friends Band anddd to buy you a drink."-" you're in the band too ? " he nodded." Great. I guess then we will see us more often." I laughed. " yea I guess so. And what's your name you didn't tell me." I smiled " well you didn't ask. I'm Rose and you are?"-" I'm Brian." Brian seemed nice

Brian and I talked a bit about anything but then he said he has to go backstage. Now I'm sitting here and just waiting that the band starts playing. A Men with long black hair enters the stage. " Hello my darlings!" He said." It's beautiful to see you all and I'm glad to entertain you tonight! I'm Freddie I'm the singer or better known as the diva of the band and there is our Blondie Mr.Roger Taylor! Yes guys you Heard right It's a boy! Surprise. " everyone laughed and Roger rolled with his eyes." Oh and he's playing the drum btw. Anddd here is our dear friend and bassist John Deacon better known as Deacy! But don't be shy Deacs they are all very nice." He laughed John seemed very nervous "Oh and the Brain of the band...Dr.Brian Mayyy! His finger are not just good for playing the guitar lady's!" He said with a big smile on his face. Brian Said something to his friend but i couldn't hear but he seemed really pissed. " Okay I guess I talked enough I think we are going to start with a song from Brian it called...Keep Yourself Alive!" Brian starts playing and it was amazing how he was focused on his guitar and his brown curls hiding his face. Magical. They were amazing. Freddie was a really good singer and how he acted on stage...it was incredible. After the show Brian came to me and sits next to me " hey! You were amazing!" I said and smiled at him " thank you, that means a lot to me..I mean to us." I laughed "Do you want to come with me backstage and meet the band?" I nodded and I followed him backstage. He brought me to a little room. " Guys please say hello to Rose." I smiled " hey." Freddie stood up and hugged me " great to see you darling! How did you find the show ?" He asked " it was incredible Freddie really you all were amazing!" He smiled " thanks dear."-" Hey I'm Roger and did somebody told you you look stunning ?" I blushed " Rog stop don't talk or touch her like that!" Brian said" Sorry mate I was just trying to be nice."Brian sighs " He is like that to every Woman he see. I don't just that you know." He was nervous. That's kinda sweet. I took a look at the watch" Oh shit it's very late I should go home now." I meant to the Band." What now ? It's not even 10:00pm" Roger meant " I know but I have a cat and I told my friend I would call her later." I apologised " where do you live?" Brian asked " what?" -" where do you live?" He asked again " across the street, why ? " why he would asked me that?" I'll take you home." He said" that's really not necessary it's not far away from here." I meant. " I don't care I will take you home." I sighed " well okay." He smiled " bye guys see you " he took me with him and where on the way to my home." Why ? " I asked shyly " why what?" He asked back " why do you do that ?" He looked at me " Because I want you to be save at home and" he put his hand on my shoulder " you're important to me. Well I know we know each other just for a view hours but I really like you okay?" Wow. He likes me too. I didn't know what to say " You don't have to response that was a stupid idea to tell you that." He turned away " No! Wait I mean I like you too okay?" He turned to me and he smiled " really ? " he asked" Yes really." I smiled at him " but it's getting cold here I guess I have to go inside, well it was great to meet you and we will see us again." I said " Yea we will and good night dear." He meant and kissed my forehead. I smiled and goes into my flat and felt asleep. That was a good day.

Well that was the first try and I'm not English btw!! But yea I hope you liked it! I'll work on the next part soon as possible!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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