Starting Today You Are a Host Part 3

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        The next day Nagisa and Yura were walking to the host club. Nagisa held her stomach as she laughed. "So let me get this straight. To avoid your financeés you bribed their mother into letting you have dinner in your room? What did you bargain with?" Yura closed her eyes and sighed. "She wanted me to model some clothes she designed for me. I have to do it this weekend." Nagisa laughed louder as Yura looked around to see if anyone was looking. "It's not funny, Nagisa. I'm not ready to talk to them about it. What if they become just like they were when we were younger? I don't think I could handle that."

Nagisa placed her arms behind her head. "I understand that but the question is why didn't they tell you about it? Also if it ever comes to that you should cancel the engagement. I'm sure your parents and their parents would understand." The two stopped in front of the door. Yuzu placed her hand on the door and turned to face Nagisa. "That's the thing, Nagisa. I want to try as much as I can to keep this engagement alive. It's our parents' dream and I guess mine also." She turned back towards the door and pushed it open. Nagisa sighed then smiled softly at her friend while she followed after her.

The two looked around and spotted Yuzu standing next to Kyoya. Nagisa waved towards the two and dragged Yura towards them. "Yo, Kyoya, Yuzu. We're back." Yuzu smiled as she turned to look at them. "Isa! Petal! Welcome back to the host club, where your fantasy guy is a reality." Nagisa smirked. "Fantasy guy becomes reality, huh? How about a guy who is down to earth? One that I just be myself and not have to worry about our status. I want someone who would go to the amusement park as a date rather than take a trip to Greece. Do you have a guy like that?"

Yuzu stood in front of Nagisa and matched her smirk. "Hey Kyoya, we have just the host for her right?" Kyoya pushed his glasses up as light gleamed off them. "Of course we do. In fact she must be talking about our new host." He turned his head towards the two and gave them a closed eyed smile. "Shall I go ahead and show you to his table?"

Yura tilted her head."New host?" Yuzu turned towards her sister and nodded. "That's correct. Fujioka Haruhi is our new host member starting today. His title is the 'normal type'. I'm sure he will fit your criteria perfectly." Nagisa chuckled. "So Mr. Honor Student got a promotion. Sure, let's see how he's doing." Yuzu continued to smile as she looked at Kyoya. "I'll show them to his table, Yoya. Also Yuki should be here soon with the sweets. I guess cleaning his classroom took a little longer than he expected." Kyoya looked at his notepad and wrote something down. "Of course Yuzu-senpai. The guests are enjoying their time at the moment. I'll be sure to tell them the sweets are running late but should be here soon."

Yuzu nodded then looked back at the two. "Let's make our way over shall we?" She walked past them and they followed. The three stopped at Haruhi's table and Yuzu slightly bowed her head before turning and walking away. Nagisa looked back at her and shrugged before grabbing Yura's hand and sitting down.

Yura watched as three girls asked Haruhi multiple questions. "So tell me Haruhi. Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do?" A girl with light brown hair asked. "I'm curious, what kind of products do you use on your skin?" Another girl with dark brown hair asked. "Yes, it's so pretty." The girl with black hair commented.

Haruhi's eyebrow twitched as he gave the girls a smile. I can't do this anymore. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do! He thought to himself. The three girls smiled at him and spoke in unison. "So why did you join the host club Haruhi?" The girls, including Nagisa and Yura, leaned in close to listen to his answer. Yura held her breath as she waited. This was what she wanted. She would finally be able to have an answer to the eight million yen debt. Nagisa hummed as she waited for Haruhi's answer. Haruhi's eyes widened slightly as he thought to himself. All I have to do is get a hundred customers to request me and they'll forget about my eight million yen debt. I know just the story.

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