the reason such began.

53 2 0

(this is made up.)

Although, I lied I will still publish! Just not a lot. Being impatient doesn't always fix it! I mean, right?

After a month I post, saying I will publish, then I lie, wow! 



I DRAFTED THIS IN WHAT, JANU>?? WHAT AM I DOING?, ok srs. my writing everything got better and im writing this at 10 as an update. and for the next hour or so ill write in my books. this is a special thing for me, warning spelling issues may occure, im editing again with a tornado warning on my phone/

(I don't know where I left off, So somewhere in this building.)

*TW? *

Normal day?


I woke up to weird beeping noises, it was everywhere and didn't go away. it was super loud, and I was in this... building? God, it looked old. Mold, rust, you name it! it was everywhere, I felt like the shadows hid something. I didn't see anyone near me, but I was for sure Brang in here, how else would I have gotten in here? I wouldn't walk in here; this place would make me walk away and never come back with the way it looked. I went outside after looking for an exit. I looked at how it was, it looked normal, but really rusty. Everything else looked like it exploded or something, I was in pain as well, so I thought something happened. And it did. I found a random grunt that looked to seem dead but was alive. I asked what had happened and he said "N-nuk-"

He passed out before finishing his word. Nuk? What does nuk mean... Nuke?? Maybe? After all it looked bad, everywhere. I looked around some more, I saw it. The broken metal, from that nuke that went. I should've known, that beeping, it happened a while ago, but that beeping...? No.

I went back in to see where it was, I found it! A tv that somehow was still on, the (wh) alert written on it. I was worried about the 3, what if they died? I looked around more, until i hit the basement. It was the only part that looked somewhat new. I opened it, it didn't seem to be affected by the nukes damage it caused. Maybe they were in there i thought? I didn't know if they were down here or not, the blood scent flooded my nose as i walked down. I was worried even more than before. I saw blood splattered on the walls, some even showed fingerprints. As i walked down more, I saw them. Dei had no arm, Blood puddled under it.  Hank was fine, for now. I asked dei what happened and he said "I had to get my arm off, it was reacting from the explosion." Where was san? At the window, he looked back and i saw it, Blood streamed down his face, There was glass in it. I looked at him again in fear after seeing glass cover some parts, the rest with blood. Why were they hurt, but i wasnt? (I JUST GOT 3 MNMS IN THIS BAG...) i looked at them with concern. is this a dream? it cant be. I start to flashback onetime when one of them told me, "if you dont know if its a dream, pinch yourself, you cant feel pain in dreams." i go and pinch myself on my arm really hard. Nothing. Its a dream. But why am i so concious of my surroundings??.. i look at them in fear, they arent there. pools of blood trail to the cliff, and it ends there. I can tell 2 people got thrown off of it, since of the splatters. I wake up and hit my head. why was i so concious in that dream?? i look in confusion, fear, and disbelief. I run outside, theres nothing. just the faint smell of metal and a trail of blood, as if it was 15 bodys collided in one, it set a trail. I didnt wanna follow but i did. Worst thing i couldve done. Following the trail for what seemed like hours, i found the end. It read the words. A.B, what could it mean?? i go to the doors and i see a black shadow with red 4 floors above, faintly visible from an angle, i can see someone else, but they are gray(grey, whatever) This doesnt seem right. i knock on the door, i wait for 5 minutes and i finally see something from the door, but its no shadow. I feel the urge of something watching me from above. I look up and see someone looking at me. black goo fills from under the door, i look at it in slight concern, what is that? the door opens. the black shadow.. was it the one from my dreams i felt??




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