The Question.

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The question hung in the air between us.

“Why?!” I repeated more forcefully, the first signs of hysterics leaking into my voice.

“I DON’T KNOW!” he snapped.

He started pacing back and forth, running his hands angrily throw his hair.

“B-But how could you not know?” I stuttered out, bemused.

“I just don't! Does there have to be a reason?” he voice pleading for me to be reasonable.

“They put you up to this didn’t they? DIDN’T THEY?!” I screamed out, unwanted tears steadily streaming down my cheeks.

I started to back away from him slowly.

He stopped his pacing, giving me a look of disbelief mixed with hurt, “They have nothing to do with this, you know that.” 

He took a step towards me and I lifted my hand, stopping him mid-stride.

“Don’t,” I warned suddenly tired of all the fighting, “If they aren’t behind this then you wouldn’t have bother”

I turned and left the lounge, walking down the hall to my temporary room. Shutting the door behind me, I crumpled to the floor in a series of hiccups and sobs. I felt betrayed, like a small part of my heart had been ripped out of my chest and crushed along with any happy memory of the past six months. Sniffling, I crawled over to my bed and pulled out my suitcase from underneath. I couldn’t stay here any longer with him, I had to leave.

I was just finishing packing when he knocked.

“Shit!” I whispered to no one in particular. I started running around the room in a nervous flutter, grabbing the last of my things.

The knocking cam again and louder.

“Come on Jenny I know you’re in there, stop being silly and open the door”

Mentally cursing myself for ever thinking this was a good idea, I crept over to the open window and place my suitcase on the lawn on the other side.

He knocked again, the door rattling with each pound of his fist.

“Jenifer I’m not kidding around anymore, Let Me In Now!”

“Balls! Balls! Balls!” I mutter to myself as I semi-trip out the window, evidently  landing on my suitcase in the process.

As I brushed grass off my pants I mused on how much harder this would have been if it’d been a two story house.

 The spare room door smashed as it came off its hinges with a dazed boy lying in the rubble.

“Crap Fudge Shiznic!” I yelled all while picking up my bag and ran like mad woman.

The only thought going through my mind as I literally sprinted away from my problems was “Run”. Not “Are my shoe-laces done up?”  or “Swiggidy Swag the cats out’ta the bag”, Just one singular word.


I was half way down the street when I started to hear him screaming after me. Like any other questionably sane teenage girl I started to run faster.

‘All these years of long distance running are finally paying off’ I thought to myself as I mentally cheer myself for being so awesome.

I didn’t see the truck until it was too late.

It rammed into me with a bone-crushing force causing all the air to leave my lungs as I flew across the pavement.

I landed with a thud, ears ringing as my head collided with the concrete.

For a moment there was nothing, just mind-numbing silence.

And then...


Everywhere all at once in an explosions of burning agony.

I open my mouth to scream but am unable to breath, suffocating with each attempt to inhale.

‘So this is how I go, gasping on the ground for air like a fish out of water?’ I think sarcastically to myself.

Everything starts to blurs as black stars dance across my vision, sirens and foot fall slurring into  background noise.

Gravel crunches as a boy kneels next to me, tears running running down his face.

He stared down at me, his eyes filled with grief, guilt and love.

‘Such beautiful green eyes’ I muse as I try to smile up at him.

He bent forward and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as a final goodbye.

As he pull away, I choke out what would most likely be my last words.


It came out as scratchy croak, barely audible, but I know he heard me because violent sobs attacked his body.

My eyes lids closed heavily, his reply was so soft I almost missed it.

“Because I love you, you stupid girl”

And with those final words I fell into the endless void with open arms.

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