It was too late...

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Hello everyone, today the chapter is birthday edition since today, 24 of october, its my 14 bday!!😄😄😄💗💗💗💗

Song: Tones and I - Bad child


Haerin took off Danielles hand and twisted her so that she was the one pinned to the wall. Haerin felt so much dominance over her and she looked closely in the eyes of Danielle, that were somehow already filled up with fear. She came closer, making her bully even more nervous, despite her trying to keep it cool. Their lips were millimeters away and Danielle was ready for the grand kiss, so she pouted her lips and closed her eyes, feeling the moment. But at that second Haerin quickly took out her phone and took a closeup picture of Danielles face. When she heard a click and saw the phone in our main characters hand, she became furious and started punching Haerin everywhere. She tried to take the phone, but at that moment, the teacher showed up and saw the seen. She quickly ran to Haerin and took her to take to the nurse. Danielle was rudely sent to the principal where coincidences were waiting for her. As Haerin walked away with the teacher, she smiled cruelly to Danielle, who couldn't do anything now. She had her ugly photo and made Danielle the bad one. She framed her. But the worst thing is that the photo was going to be EVERYWHERE.

Next day ...

As Danielle arrived to her classroom, she was kind of worried about what happened to Haerin. She didn't control her anger at that moment so she possibly could've given her serious injuries. But that didn't keep her thinking much, because the worst thing out of it was that Haerin framed her and she has an ugly photo of Danielle that absolutely no one should see. She was sure that when she will enter the class, everyone would start laughing at her and her reputation would be as low as the ocean bottom. But surprisingly, no one made a noise. Even her friends came to her lile every day. That confused Danielle and she knew something was odd. When she went to Haerins class thinking that everything is happening there, she stepped in and again - a single laugh didn't come out of their mouths. That concerned her even more. The thing that was also strange, was that Haerin wasn't in class. She was always there at this time but Danielle couldn't find her. Finally, when flashbacks from their fight entered Danielle's head, she gasped in fear.
"Did something happen to her?" - she thought in a worry. She refused to remind herself what she did, but was so curious that she came up to Haerin's friend and asked:
- Aya, where is Haerin!? - she almost shouted at the poor girl.
- Uh...ummm...she's in the hospital....uhh...i don't know why... - she answered, stuttering.
- WHAT!? IN THE HOSPITAL!????? - Danielle screamed so loudly that even she felt scared. Then, her friends came to calm her down. She took a deep breath, but in a second she saw her biggest enemy in front of her. Kim Minji. She looked straight-up in Danielles eyes and with a low voice said:
- What. Did. You. Do?
- Uh...I didn't do anything...why are you asking me?? - she answered nervously.
- Oh i know you are standing behind this. - Minji said cruelly. She was shocked Danielle could've done something like this. She new this girl was evil, but not that much.
- She took an ugly picture of me! She betrayed me! She is a liar! - Danielle screamed in defense, feeling extreme pain slowly shrinking her heart.
- WHAT!? YOU DID ALL OF THIS JUST BECAUSE SHE TOOK A FREAKING PHOTO!??!?!? I KNEW YOU WERE A HEARTLESS PERSON, BUT THIS TIME YOU DISAPPOINTED ME.... - Min said with tears dropping down her eyes. She couldn't stop thinking of what may happen next. But Danielle was worried for Haerin just like everyone else. She just didn't show it, but inside, her heart was shattered on a million little pieces. She would give all of them to Haerin if she could right now.

So she made the right decision to straightly go to the hospital where Haerin was. She asked Haerin's friend what hospital she is in, and rapitly ran to the place. Her heart was pounding loud that even the people on the streets could probably hear it. In 10 minutes she was inside and went to the administration point to ask where she was. They told her she is in the 156 room and as soon as she came there, she found Haerin laying on her bed, sleeping. However, Danielle didn't know she was sleeping, so she thought she was unconscious, what made her cry so badly. She sat on a chair near her and took her hand. Holding it really tightly, she spoke:
- Oh my, what have i done?....i am so sorry Haerin-ah, i can't lose you like this, please don't go away from me, i will try my best, i promise! - she bursted out in tears when she knew that she can't leave her here and how much she admires and loves her lovely princess. But for her, it was too late....the pavement was darker than usually, the sun didn't reach Danielle's glowy eyes, the birds went silent all of a sudden and no one made a noise....her life stopped making sense....


Thanks for reading the sixth part of my major fanfiction, PLEASE write your thoughts about it in the comment, your feedback really gives me much more motivation to continue 💗

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