Chapter 13, "Falling into your arms for the last time.."

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WxS decided to spend their weekend watching for information.ation, but today isn't about them.

"Hey Ichi~" Saki called

"Huh..?" Ichika turned to look at her partner "Saki?"

Saki grinned, leaping into Ichika's arms.

Ichika gasped, followed by Honami's distant giggling and Shiho's eyeroll.

"Oi, no more messing around!" Shiho ordered causing Saki to sit up. "We have to perform this song."

"We can do this later Saki okay? We need to work first." Ichika said

'You say that... and then you're always too busy for me outside of band..' Saki thought to herself, 'You never visit and ignore all my calls.. and don't even visit me in the hospital..'

"Okay!" Saki said smiling.

What a fake smile that was, she wore it for the rest of practice.

"We still on for later?" Saki asked Ichika.

"Oh.. Sorry I made plans with Honami, maybe some other time?" Ichika said

"Oh.. okay." Saki said, looking away.

"I.. need to go home anyways.." she added exiting sekai

Miku glanced.

"Ichika, do you love Saki?" Miku asked

"Of course." Ichika said

"I see.." Miku said, cringing at Ichika's idiocy.

Saki was still sick, she went back to the hospital rooftop glancing down.

"Its a far way down." A man smoking a cigarette said.

"Who are you..?" Saki asked.

"Akira." The man said.

"Saki.." she introduced.

"You seem upset." Akira mentioned, Saki stared for a moment.

"So do you.." she responded boldly.

"Yeah you caught me, I was comin' up here to kill myself." Akira said.

"So was I.." Saki said quietly.

"You scared?" asked Akira, Saki nodded slightly.

"I'll do it with you if you'd like." He offered.

"Oh, um.. sure." Saki said turning to him.

The two walked towards the edge.

"Mind me asking why you're doing this?" Akira asked.

"My girlfriend, she seems to love someone else.. " Saki said.

"What about you..?" She peeped curiously.

Akira laughed.

"I'm sick of livin'" he said

"I see.." Saki said, peering over the ledge.

"I ought to die, so let's go on the count of three."

Saki nods

"One." said Akira .
"Two." Saki said.

"Three..." they said in unison as Saki let go of her weight and began to drop, closing her eyes anxiously while Akira vanished.

Saki didnt seem to realize he wasn't there until she opened her eyes....

Tbc bc I'm still sick

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