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Warmth is the first thing Osamu perceives upon waking. The second is the smell of citrus and third is sunlight. Upon opening his eyes he finds Chuuya curled into his side, facing away from him with their body wrapped around his arm. Feeling their breath against his skin he can tell they're still asleep. The light shining through their window changing their hair from scarlet to rose gold. He has no idea what time it is, but he needs to get up. The idea of disturbing them is a bad one though..

With as much grace and gentleness he is capable of in his drowsy state he frees his arm and shoulder from Chuuya's grasp. They don't make a noise and instead shift to lie completely on their stomach. He gets up from the bed and grabs his bag and heads to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later and he is freshly showered and brushed his teeth. He hopes the outfit he picked out today is appropriate for the spoken word event's vibe. He decided on dark blue jeans, and a burgundy button up with a more comfortable black jacket. Not too casual but not too much either.

When he steps out of the bathroom he smells breakfast food. Did Chuuya really wake up and start cooking just like that? He hadn't even taken that long..

When he enters the kitchen Chuuya is sipping broth from what definitely smells like miso soup. The place opposite of them has a plate with tamagoyaki, and two bowls of okayu and miso soup. Osamu wonders if Chuuya is flexing this hard because he is here or if they normally cook and eat healthily. Then he remembers their lunches always appeared homemade.

Chuuya is pretty mature for someone so young. The curry last night had been good too. Osamu joins them at the table and sees they are already done eating.

"Good morning!" Chuuya greets him happily.

They tied their bed head back into a messy bun.
Their eyes are still tired from just waking up and exerting all this energy. Osamu is sure there are stars in his eyes from witnessing such an adorable sight.

"Good morning. Thank you for the meal." Osamu greets them and expresses his gratitude for being taken care of so well.

"You look really nice today. Take your time eating. It takes some time for me to get ready when I first wake up." Chuuya lets him know before covering their mouth to yawn.

"Thank you. What time is it?" Osamu asks, realizing he doesn't have his phone to check.

Chuuya looks behind him, presumably to a kitchen appliance that displays it.

"11." They answer.

"What time is the event?" Osamu asks them.

"It starts at 3 but I have to check in at 2:30." Chuuya informs him.

"Okay." Osamu starts eating the food Chuuya prepared for him.

They smile sleepily before taking care of their dishes and disappearing to get ready for the day.


As it turns out Chuuya is even more mature than previously thought. Osamu hopes they can't tell how shocked he is that they have a nice car and can drive well. While he failed the test to get his license three times before giving up and deciding to use public transportation for the rest of his life. Osamu is probably in love with how close Chuuya has to sit to their steering wheel to reach everything. Then he remembers that short people are more at risk because of that when accidents happen. He decides he is going to retry again soon.

Chuuya glances over at him and giggles before returning their focus to the road.

"What's with that face?" They ask him.

On The Other End (Soukoku Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now