Chapter 1: The beginning

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Hi guys! It's me straw ! I know I'm already starting a new story when I haven't even finished the other one but I have more inspiration for this one so yeah :)

I hope you will enjoy this story as well !
And warning, there is some topics in this story like bullying and other things like that can make you feel bad or hurt you so please I'm warning you before you start reading;)

That's all!

Hello, my name is Sacha..
I'm a girl, sometimes people get confused about my gender because of my name, because it's too boy like to them...
I'm also 15 years old and I'm in highschool right now... unfortunately.

Why unfortunately you may ask ?
Well it's just because I hate, freaking hate highschool and everything about school in general. I hate people there, they're so mean.. I also hate the fact that we have test almost every damn day.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a good student, I have good grades and I make my parents proud, well at least I think but I don't know, I just feel like it isn't enough..
School is stressful that also why I hate it, the first reason actually.
But enough of that.

I'm here to tell you about my life, my stupid life.
You can leave if that doesn't interest you or if you just simply don't really care, I understand:)
If you choose to stay well, thanks I guess.

Do you ever wish to go back to when you were like 8 or 9? No? Because personally, I would give everything I have to go back to that time, where everything was fine and easy, no stress, no sadness, just happiness..
In elementary school, I think I was the happiest, I was so sociable, I had so many friends, all the people in my class were my friends, people liked me, I didn't care about what other were thinking about me, if they didn't like me it didn't bother me. I was also very pretty at that time, you know the time where you don't have acne or anything related to puberty.. I miss that time..

But you know, things can't always be perfect, there always something or someone coming in your life to ruin everything and that happened to me as well.
When you go through puberty, you start having acne, I think everyone knows that but for me I started having acne at a very young age, 8 years old. I was the only one to have that in my class and that's when everything started to change...
People started making fun of me, especially a boy named Mike he was two years older than me, I hate that guy with all my heart.
He bullied me for a year, the only year he was at school with me actually. He kept calling me names because of my acne and other people started doing the same shit because of that. Some people have it worse than me, I know and I'm so sorry for them.
But the things is, he didn't just do that, he also kind of made me hate my body. At that time, I loved wearing skirts and dresses but I think he made me hate those as well, why ?
Because when I was wearing those, he kept on touching my legs and ask me if he could look underneath, what the hell was wrong with this dude? I don't know either, plus, he was 11 years old and I was 8 or 9. Why would he do that ? I still don't know either...

But except from that life, life was great like I said, everything was great! I had my best friends, my family..

Until I went to middle school....

The end !
I hope you liked this chapter!
I really wanted to try something different but I don't know if that's good so let me know ;)
I'm sorry if there is any mistake, again English isn't my first language.
Bye bye 👋<3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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