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Weeks have passed with no avail , Alyiath watched live trajectory of the glider and tracked the glider and thought that there was absolutely no hope in his travels. When suddenly he hears a high frequency noise and notices everything around him fades away he looks around him in regret and disbelief , has no idea what is going on , he just faints right there front and center , He hears the noise of a computer , sort of like a short circuit computer , he is quite scared and knows that this is related To his email to the ISE , he then hears "greetings Alyiath" you have been accepted to the ISE , we will now extract a blood sample , Alyiath didn't have time to even flinch and the process was finished , his blood is extracted and he is quarantined , the moment he is in his bay of dwelling, he notices the most beautiful view of the Galaxy , he sees the earth in the distance and he notices a sudden stop , the PA announces , Welcome to Brighton beach space station , he now pinches himself in disbelief and starts stuttering "are we , a-a-a-are we on the moon?" yes Alyiath we are says president Astra , MR PRESIDENT what an hono- oh save it , I have no power here on the moon that is up to the enterprise ,says Astra , who is the enterprise , thinks Alyiath , Astra sighs in frustration, we don't know.

A few hours later at 7:15 Lunar Time +- 0 , Alyiath starts roaming the halls of the station and starts talking to people he is greatly surprised that he is treated with great respect, he simply can't believe it. He sees a star , but a man made one though , it is in a fixed orbit around the moon , that's andromeda says ISRS the international space robotic system, I am your personal robot , any orders , sir" says ISRS , "no nothing now , thank you" says Alyiath. He goes to the general office and asks for a suit as he wanted to go out of the unit , they said "but sir , you have no training , there is no possible way that you can go for a spacewalk, and by the way , we can't we have A load of passengers landing for the Siptin hotel, There's a HOTEL exclaimed Alyiath, wow, " After they landed then you can take a space walk gladly.

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