3 | The Alley of Opportunity (1/2)

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"To be Reborn, you have to die first."


The rest of the day was spent in a false calm, from a boy trying to hide his excitement for the opportunity that was about to change his life. Shiyo knew that Hogwarts wouldn't start until September 1st, and it was only July 20th. Shiyo would wait though, it would be worth it when the time comes.


Honestly, he couldn't remember a more peaceful time in his life. Well, it wasn't exactly so different than the usual happenings- but the run ins with his step father were fewer. He could be thankful for that at least.

He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.


"Get up."

He groaned, what was the time?

Nooo let us sleep... We're never allowed to sleep so long..

"Fucking brat... If you don't get up you'll be here for the rest of the summer."

Shiyo's eyes snapped open- was that his mother? He sat up, then rubbed his head. He also rubbed his eyes, which felt irritated, due to his constant unwilling all nighters.

Panic struck him first- he forgot to make dinner. Shit. What time was it- he looked out the window, it looked like it was around 8 am. Realization hit him next, followed by a hint of excitement.

"Get up and get ready, we have to go."

His mother was wearing sleek black slacks, a blouse and a button up black jacket- along with some black sunglasses which was resting on her hairline.

She left the room, slamming the door on her way out. Shiyo sat for a few seconds, then jumped out of bed, nearly tripping on the blanket which had wrapped itself around his leg. He stumbled and then dashed to the bathroom, hurriedly getting ready for the new day.

After a thorough shower and other normal morning daily routine things he usually didn't have the opportunity to do, he dashed to put on his clothes. He pulled on his best jeans (which weren't the best honestly), a long sleeved undershirt, a grey worn out hoodie, and his worn out sneakers. How he wished he could look more presentable, but he was grateful for the opportunity that prompted the need to look presentable in the first place.

He ran a hand through his hair- making sure not to disturb the voluminous bangs that covered a nasty scar on his face.

Gods we look terrible.

Always wishing he could look like someone else. He remembered thinking of dying his hair the other night, guess he didn't remember that hair dye was expensive. For them at least. He didn't look at his reflection for too long, what had the mirror done to deserve that?

He stepped out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, looking around. His emotions were not so hard to define, it was mainly the urge to leave and never come back, mingled with a ray of optimism. Grabbing his trunk, he made his way out of his room.

His mother stood in the living room, waiting. "John is out, come on."

Shiyo followed her outside and into the car, jumping into the backseat. His heart was pounding, he was nervous, optimistic, and he couldn't deny that he was a bit excited. She started the car and started to drive. "Ask your questions now, before you forget."

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