Chapter 18

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  When Jisung regained his consciousness,  he noticed darkness around him due to the blindfold on his eyes.  He was gagged with some cloth and his legs and hands were tied up tight.  He couldn't even move.  He wondered where he was and who had kidnapped him. He was worried about his Hyung's condition and wonder how he was. He felt as if he was traveling in a car. He tried to remain silent as he didn't want others to notice his awareness. He was frightened of what was going to happen to him . The car hault after few minutes.  He wondered how long he was unconscious.  He could hear voices.  He was picked up and was placed on someone's shoulder. He could hear many voices rambling. 

????: Boss! HAPPY to see you happy. 

????: Leader. Can't believe you have brought him from the castle.

????: Now Lord can be happy with his new baby ...

That's when it struck to him, who has caught him. He could hear more than 1000 different voices and cheers. He was pondering how to escape from here, without dying.  He knew well if Jungsik found out he is mated either he'll kill him, or our mark him above Minho's mark Poisoning and killing Minho due to their bond. NO. He doesn't want to die nor he wants Minho Hyung to die, though he is angry and hate him for what he has done he doesn't want him to die as he is still his playful ,sweet and caring Hyung,  though he still can't accept him as his mate.

On other side, Bangchan was making everything ready for his journey. When Minho entered his chamber. Bangchan looked at him , a little upset and angry for what he has done.

Minho: Look. I know you are angry at me. I, myself am angry with myself. I don't what came over me, that I did it. No matter what, what I did can't be justifiable. But I want to meet Jisung. I know he's angry with me, but I want to meet him.

Bangchan: * Sighed Sadly * He is not here.

Minho: What do you mean he is not here ? Did he run away for what I did ? I am one should be blamed and punished, he shouldn't have gone away. I took advantage of his weak state .

Bangchan: No. He didn't run away. You know Jisung. He is strong. He won't run away from his problems. He faces them. It's just that he is kidnapped.

Minho: WHAT? * Minho's eyes turned RED in rage * By Whom?

Bangchan explained the whole situation to Minho and how he is going to rescue Jisung from the Jade gang.

Minho: Let me join you. You can't go alone and face the whole gang. Allow me to join, Please. I beg you.

Bangchan sighed and allowed Minho as he very well knew the small troop which he is talking along him for the rescue mission isn't enough to save Jisung. Minho was delighted to join him. Lee Know was very angry, he wanted to kill everyone who were the reason for kidnapping and taking his omega from him. But Minho calmed him, as he knew very well he needed a plan to rescue his mate, and this is the way to gain trust from his mate, and show how worthy he is to be his mate. That's when Changbin came in a rush to them, following him Felix came.

Changbin: Hyung! Jisung is Kidnapped! And you weren't planning to tell me.

Bangchan: It's not like I didn't plan to tell, it all happened so soon, that I couldn't tell you.

Changbin: Wait! Hyung are you going to rescue Jisung? Let me come to. Let me join you guys. I'll bring my weapons, wait for me hyung!

 I'll bring my weapons, wait for me hyung!

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Bangchan: * Stopped Changbin* No, my dear. The kingdom needs you. We can't all leave like that. Someone has to stay here to keep our father sane and to protect our country and mothers from the father. More than that promise me, if anything happens to me or Jisung , you'll be a good man and rule the kingdom properly as a good king unlike our father.

Changbin: * Crying and wailing * Hyung! Hyung. Don't- Don't say like that... please.. please come back... I know you will... please... I can't live without you... HYUNG....

Bangchan: Promise me, dear.

Changbin: Hyunggg! Please... I promise to be good boy... I'll listen to you... but please come back safe... please....

Bangchan: I'll try, love. I'll try to safe our youngest. I'll try.... *turns towards Felix* Take care of Changbin , you are all he's got. And Don't worry about your Minho hyung he'll return safe and sound. Anddddd... Please tell Hyunjin, that I am sorry to disappoint him and being a failure. But I am glad for him to be my mate.

Bangchan and Minho left with the troops waving goodbye to Felix and Changbin for the rescue mission and for Hyunjin he looked at all the happenings from the balcony in shadows. Jin shouted to Hyunjin to accompany Bangchan for his mission to protect him, but Hyunjin refused and restrained it, though his heart bleeds he went on going into some random direction ignoring the feeling of bleeding heart.

Will they protect and rescue our baby, Jisung?


An Update guys, Hope you like it. I know it's been long wait for another update.
Short Chapter guys, hope you find it interesting. 🥺
My exams all got over. I did well. I hope I get good results. I am praying for it. Waiting for the results. Until then I'm free so I'll try to update as much as possible. Pray for me guys.
I am sorry I couldn't upload Pics in the chapter. 🥺🙏😭 I thought I should atleast update the story for you guys as you have to wait long for my next updates... .. I'll upload some pics when I finish all my works. 🤗❤️
If you can't understand something, please be free to DM me and ask.
I hope all of you guys have a great day...
Thank you so much 😊 for waiting patiently for chapter update, you guys are the best, I also want to Thanks some faithful and patient readers, who always read my books and tell me the opinion about it.
Thank you guys, you mean a lot. 🥺❤️❤️❤️
I'll try to update as soon as possible.
Love you guys. ❤️
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