Never Piss Off A Lady

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Alex all but fell out his chair when his parents ran into the hospital wing. His mother had wrapped him in a tight hug and his dad was followed by Kada's dad and other half. Amun ran over to Kada and was about to pull up a chair to set beside her. Yet he had to back up quickly as her body caught on fire in swirl of emerald flames.

The Headmaster and all the other teachers were in shock as Kada's body lifted off of the bed and the flames consumed her whole.  Her magic had acted in defense of herself and everyone in the room felt an endless rage rolling off of Kada. A voice that sounded like Kada but the pitch was like that of a wise woman and there was an echo to the over lapped voices.

"You, olden one, dared to harm the whole of a father and that of a daughter...." The teachers behind the headmaster all glanced at each other not understanding what Kada meant. "You made a young brilliant Slytherin go mad.  You caused a young woman to give her life for her child and another child to have only husks of his own kin. You've made a far bigger mess and the gods themselves aren't happy."

The flames died down but Kada or whoever was speaking through her, had a golden light enveloping her. Many knew what the glow symbolized but Albus Dumbledore raised his wand aiming it at Kada. The being sighed and snapped Kada's fingers causing the elder wand to fly into her hand.

"Do you honestly think I will allow you to use an object against me? I helped Death create this wand and you have abused its power just like all the others before you."

"Mother Magic..." Minerva Mcgonagall bowed her head trying not to cry as all the pain from that night came back in full force. "Please for-"

"Fear not my child..." Hecate said cutting off the lioness. "I know of your pain and you had tried to stop this idiot from making a mistake. Yet he was wrong when he said Miss Potter had no other family."

Albus was about to speak to stop Lady Magic from telling them the truth. Hecate, however, used a silencing charm on him.

"You try to cut me off again, Dumbledore...." The growl from her throat meant everyone, mostly Albus, was walking on thin fucking ass ice. "I will let my Daughters have at you. That is a promise, not just a threat you old bastard."

"Mother Magic," Amun spoke up having moved around to stand near the teachers so their Lady wouldn't have to turn around. "Will my dear one be ok?"

"She is asleep, and will be in better health if she is left to the care of my daughtrs. Dear Kada here has allowed me to speak through her."

"I will not allow this-" Dumbledore began as his voice returned.

Hecate grabbed him around the throat pulled him closer, with her back turned and one mighty throw, the headmaster was thrown out a window. Golden feathered wings flared into view as Hecate took flight and opened her mouth to give a whistle. There was a chill then the sound of glass shattering for a second time and finally a blazing heat  bloomed throughout the window's frame.

The powers started spreading and overlapping as to not harm anyone in the place. The walls changed and the school itself started to shift in appearance. The stone walls turned to crystal and glass like look there were several thousands of, if not more, hourglasses in between to act as wall studs. The hourglasses and crystal walls had runes stones with pure lava and magma flowing through them.

There were stories of the Three Sisters and Daughters of Hecate, some said they helped make the school and the Founders had provided their versions. It seemed that those stories were true in some form. Rick was holding his family close not knowing the Sisters would never harm children without a reason. There was a flash of light and every person with in Hogwarts transported into the great hall. The ghosts, along with Peeves, were lined up in front of the head tables leaving enough space for Lady Magic and her Daughters to appear if they choose to.

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