Chapter 34

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"You have absolutely NO clue how utterly furious I am right now! Just completely bewildered about what that outlaw is up to!" Marble cookie exclaimed as soon as he saw the Entrusted's foot just barely appear behind the doors of the room.

The scarred soldier noisily sealed off the room to outside ears, his expression relaxed yet stern due to his toughened features. "Sounds like something important," he flatly joked. Marble was too distracted to even notice and ran over the witty comment.

"Secrets, I tell you, have been lingering under the kingdom's notice for years now! Such devastatingly important information has only been passed between a select few cookies by lies and deceit!" his squeaky voice made the Entrusted wish he had never come.

Despite the urge to tell the royal advisor to quit his unnecessary whining, he bit his tongue and waited for Marble to recollect himself.

"I'm just appalled. Seriously, just amazed at how cookies could ever be so-"

"Marble cookie." The scratchy voice cut him off with a firm tone. The advisor whipped around to see the elder lounging in a plush chair to the side of a stack of disorganized scrolls. Her eyes glimmered under the wash of purple candles.

"How on Earthbread did you sneak in here?!" Marble cookie shrieked.

Sopapilla cookie rose from her seat, ignoring his question, and approached to the side of the cartography desk centered in the space. "Do you not remember who received and relayed this information to you in the first place?" she scowled, "I think I have a part in this discussion as the eyewitness."

The soldier inspected her behavior. Clear and composed, as well as noticeably wise, she appears to know what she's talking about. His gaze shifted to the advisor stammering over soundless protests. Though he doesn't seem too happy about her being in here.

"I can send you straight back to the dungeons that I released you from, you old wretch," the advisor finally threatened, "You are to leave and never speak of this meeting to any cookie. Do you understand?"

"And I could admit to you that everything I saw was actually a load of lies. I never touched you spell book, nor do I know about the fugitive's whereabouts," a smirk grew on Sopapilla's face. Marble cookie's jaw loosened in a soundless gasp.

"Explain yourself."

The elder cookie chuckled softly, her shoulders shrugging. "Looks like you need me now?"

Marble and the Entrusted both glared at her, waiting for her response. The advisor was too unwilling to admit he needed her now.

"Good, now that I can stay, I can reassure you both that that was a lie itself," Sopapilla let out another round of laughter as she saw the two cookies look at her, completely dumbfounded.

"Sit silent in that corner until I permit for you to speak, you hear?" The advisor commanded. Sopapilla sent a disapproving look at him before curtly nodding. Marble heaved an exasperated sigh as if he was having a long day.

"And you, take a seat," he commanded to the Entrusted.

He obliged and took a seat at the opposite end of the table from the advisor. "So, continue to what you were trying to say, sir," the soldier said, the advisor towering above him now.

"You better listen, and you better listen well, because I will not act as though I remember any of this conversation."


Tiramisu tucked a loose curl back beneath their hood, their light feet quietly strolling along the fine flooring of the castle. Their eyes casted to the ground, staring at nothing in order to keep their face from being remembered by any guards. All they had to do was move like they had business being there.


A noise of a heavy door alerted Tiramisu's attention, and they quickly shifted their stride to head towards the noise.

They had slipped in through the window above the bath house once the soldiers had left, stealing one of the dark towels hung along the walls for the bathing soldiers and wrapping it around their face and neck as a makeshift scarf. Not only was it a disguise, it was also a great temperature mediating cloth to place a barrier between their dough and the frigidity of the weather. As soon as they had successfully made it past more drunken guards lazily patrolling, they headed in the direction of the target, a safe distance behind in case he was to notice their presence.

Tiramisu rounded the final corner, peering down a short hallway which seemed to end abruptly where two thin, tall doors shook after being slammed closed by a cookie.

Even though Tiramisu was used to going on perilous missions, their heart was thrashing wildly that they thought it might erupt.

Slinking nearer, they approached the door, placing their hand upon the knob. As gently as they could, they turned it, only for it to lock halfway and refused to budge any further.

They pressed their head against the door, attempting to pry into some whispers of what was being said, but the thick layer of cacao absorbed sound from both sides like a sponge. Tiramisu cursed in their head while chewing on their lip.

I'll have to wait this one out, they thought, Who knows how long it'll take for them to be done.

They looked around, calculating their surroundings to find an eligible hiding spot to follow after the soldier once they were done. Their eyes landed on a pair of gargantuan pillars that complemented a painting of the king swaddling their son, an expression filled with anything but joy on the royal's face. Tiramisu stifled a snort before they tucked behind the pillar, awaiting the perfect time to strike.

Anything but joy in this whole kingdom.

Word count: 971

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