Ch.11: What the Future Held

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-1 Year Later-

That bar was a catalyst to many things in both of their lives. It only made sense to go back to it. Siyeon thought that the best place to completely move on would be the place she met Jiu first. She hasn't been back at the bar since the whole situation went down. Because of this, she couldn't help but feel Sua's hand tighten around her own as the entered.

Sua thought this was going to be hard for her, but she took Siyeon's word for it. She trusted that this could help no matter how nervous she was.

They went over to the stools they met each other at before getting they're drinks from the bartender. As planned, Jiu came over and started a conversation with them.

"Hey guys! It's been a while! I was kind of getting worried."

"Sorry about that. A lot has happened."

"No need to apologize. I'm just happy to see you guys again. Speaking of you two, I didn't know she was the one you were talking about, Siyeon. I didn't know you knew each other."

"Small world, huh?"

"Indeed, it is. How long have you been together?"

"For about a year now. It took me a bit to get the courage to ask her, though."

"I'm glad you did because you both look so happy and cute together. Hey! Maybe we could go on a double date! I'm sure Yoohyeon would think it would be a lot of fun."

Siyeon looked over at Sua to see if it was ok. Throughout the conversation, she realized that Sua hadn't said a word. She wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to put her in an uncomfortable position before she could give her an answer.  "I think so too." Sua answered, surprising Siyeon a bit.

"Yeah, same here." Siyeon added, smiling that Sua was ready to move on.

"Great! Let's text each other the details later, I have to get back to my shift." Jiu waved them goodbye as she went back to work.

"What about you? Are you going to have time to do this before the album deadline?"

"It'll just be one night. Besides, I'm ahead of schedule right now. I just got to let the producers know when. But same with you. Doesn't the studio need you?"

"They know I have the dance down. Like you said, it's just for one night. I think they can manage without me." Slowly, but surely, Sua was able to recover herself by working at Handong's store before she was able to get her a job at a dance studio not far from the area.

"So, you're completely fine about the double date?"

"You said going here would help me move on. I think this would help. I also feel like I need to patch things up with Jiu even though it wasn't her fault. She doesn't even know any of this happened. I want to make it up to her."

"Then it's the perfect thing to do so." Siyeon looked at her phone realizing she was running late. "Sorry to cut this part of our date short like this, but I need you to follow me."

It's been so long since Sua heard those last two words. It brought her back to when they first met. The thought brought a smile to her face as she did what Siyeon asked.


After seeing the two rush out of the bar so soon into the night, Jiu suddenly spots her fiancée just entering the bar, almost bumping into them. "Hey, baby! Is it that time already?"

"Anything interesting happen today?"

"Actually, we are going on a double date."

"With who?"

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