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So before anyone says anything this was supposed to go into an UwU translator as a joke to see how it would sound like, and then I decided to keep it. I did this


Her organs were ripped out slowly and the foot-long worms that devoured her head had a long way to go. Clementine could only watch as Lina's body was taken apart by monsters that wouldn't think twice about doing the same to her.

On the second day, stray dogs came to check out the scene. They could smell the stench of rot and blood. She remembered how her mother had reacted when the toddler in their neighborhood had been found with his eyes torn out. "Dogs go for the softest part first, the eyes." Clementine watched with wide eyes as the dogs fought for the dessert of Lina's eyes. A german shepherd had won, and was currently slurping up whatever it could.

The horrid stench of released body fluids could not compete with the very sight of Lina. Clementine could not remember how she looked, and instead of her smiling sun ray of a sister, it was replaced by the image of a mutilated pile of bloody scraps. Clementine tried to convince herself this wasn't happening, but it was impossible with every slippery chew, every wet squelch as Lina became no more.

The only thing left of Lina by the third day was her ring from her late fiance. Clementine tried hard to be happy that Lina had not been alive long enough to suffer with agonizing pain as she was taken apart.

She promised to her elder sisters' remnants that she would survive for her. That she would find a place where she could be safe, along with Rose, Lina's infant daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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