Chapter Two

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I swing my bag around my shoulder. I look down at my hand, which had my schedule in it. I only had 2 classes today. A sculpting class and a painting class.

I scan the schedule before finding that my first class didn't start for another 45 minutes. Since I was already dressed I decide to go look around campus.

I open my door and head to the elevators, clicking the bottom floor. The doors open and there's people everywhere. Not at all how it was like last night.

Students with backpacks, teachers with briefcases, and staff with clipboards. Everyone with a place to go or something to do.

I slip into the crowd and start walking, just wandering around. I start to notice the large amount of art filling every inch of the university.

I mean I know it's a art university but I didn't except this much art. I loved it. It made me feel so at ease, like I was this was home.

I snap out of my admiring and start looking around. I notice I'd been dragged to a pair of double doors. I open them up to be met with a gorgeous courtyard.

I quickly find a bench and sit down. I look up and notice a gorgeous tree above me, red and orange leafs falling from it every so often.

I soften my eyes and place my bag at my side. I shuffle for my book inside my bag. I find it and within seconds I'm locked in. Everyone around me disappearing.


I jump as a loud ringing starts projecting from my backpack. I look around and notice a couple people staring at me. I quickly unzip my bag, grabbing my phone and shutting off my alarm.

Jeez, how embarrassing. Suddenly I remember that means my class is starting. I reach for my schedule in my pocket and start scanning it. Room 767B - Sculpting.

I get on my feet and grab my bag.


I slowly open the classroom door labeled Room 767B. To my surprise no one bothers to look up at me. I keep forgetting this isn't high school anymore.

I notice there's only around 20 kids and find a seat in the back. The room was dark and everyone's eyes were on the big projector screen.

A small women with a long skirt that had printed flower designs on it was pointing to the screen as she talked.

I quickly catch on that she was introducing us to the class. Laying out the ground rules and requirements. I quickly grow to like her.

She was a middle aged, brunette women. She was playing Beethoven as she was explaining stuff. Oh and she had these gorgeous blue eyes.

"That's it class!" Her eyes close as she smiles brightly. Everyone scatters, packing up, talking and leaving. Once everyone leaves I stand up and head over to her desk.

She now had a pair of glasses on as she read something on her computer. "Hello Ms." I say softly. Her eyes go wide and she quickly looks over to me.

"Oh hello!" She says cheerfully. She pulls her glasses off her eyes and rests them on the top of her head. "And my name is Ms.Carrie." She explains.

"I was just wondering, how long do you think it will be before the class starts actually sculpting?" I ask softly.

"Wow, you sound eager!" She smiles. "I am." I softly laugh. "Well luckily for you were staring the actually sculpting I think in 3 weeks." She says calmly.

My eyes go wide. "3 weeks?" I stutter. She nods. "What will we be doing for the first three weeks?" I pinch my eyebrows. "Worksheets honey." She laughs.

Worksheets? For a sculpting class? Not what I expected it to be but I guess not all classes are just fun. "Well thank you." I say and she smiles before putting her glasses back on and turning to her computer.


I quickly write down what was on the board. Every other student was doing it perfectly but I couldn't keep up. The teacher switches the slide and I groan. I didn't even get half of the notes for that slide.

This is not what I expected university to be. I'm honestly considering going back to high school. I let my pencil go and shake my hand for a sense of relief.

I turn my head and look out the open classroom door. Just as I'm admiring a piece of art in the hallway I see a man walk by. He locks eyes with me. It was the same guy from last night.

What was his name? Oh, Ace. He stops right at the doorway after we lock eyes. Only for a brief second though. Then he turns his head and walks away.

I feel a flutter hit my stomach. I quickly look away and back down at the teacher who was still reading notes off of the board.

Why did he stop when he saw me? The thought only stays in my mind for a moment. "Hey you! With the black hoodie!" I hear a males voice and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Are you writing down any notes? If your not going to then get out of my classroom!" The teacher snaps. I feel red fill my face as every face in the room slowly turns to look at me.

"Sorry." I mutter and he scoffs before turning back to the board. I pick up my pencil and start writing again.

It was about half way through the class before I feel the need to use the restroom. I don't bother asking the teacher for permission because that's a high-school thing to do, not college.

I grab only my phone, leaving my bag behind and existing the classroom.

I look up and down the hallway not seeing any bathroom signs on the walls. I choose to go right and hope I see someone so I can ask them where the restrooms are.

A couple minutes go by where I don't see anyone or find any bathrooms. I pause in the middle of the hallway and groan, how big is this university? My god.

"You sound disappointed." I hear that same raspy voice say from behind me. I turn around to see Ace. He has his arms crossed as he leans onto the wall, watching me.

"I'm not." I say. We stand there in silence for a moment and that's when I notice how tall he is. Even when leaning on the wall I look like a toddler compare to him.

He must be a senior. He has a backpack like the rest of the students but he is in pretty formal wear. I pinch my eyebrows trying to figure it out.

"What's wrong?" He asks, probably noticing my curiosity. "Nothing." I say shortly. "Do you know where the restrooms are?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck with slight embarrassment.

"At the end of the hall, last door on your left." He says without taking his eyes off of me. He must know this school well, he's got to be a senior.

"So what year are you?" He asks. I look up at him but give him no response. Why should I? He told me where the restrooms are and that's all I needed to know, no need to be making small talk.

"Bye." I say and he raises his eyebrow but I don't let him say anything and swiftly turn around and walk down the hall.

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