Rough Draft Script (What I have so far)

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act 1

ext. a high school

Children scatter around the sides of a high school yard, either conversing or hurrying to their next class. A mysterious, womanly voice breaks through the calm and quiet scene—which looks like it should be bustling with teen voices.

queen Lillian (V.O)

... If you could transverse a world entirely dedicated to orchestrating the emotional needs of someone you loved, would you choose...

int. the high school classroom

The scene descends on a window, piercing through as though a phantom exploring the world. Perspective turns upon Luie, as though viewing as all-seeing eyes, honing sharply in on the boy tapping his pencil on his desk, looking bored but strangely... contemplative. We have been the eyes of this mysterious ghost as it watches him in a hovering trace. He has his hand smooshed up against his cheek. His hair is naturally curled upward, a bronze brown, with eyes as green as ever trees.

queen Lillian (V.o)

To save it?

professor Eisen

Sanders? (Grabbing attention)

Luie looks up with synced motion, mimicking the attentive flick of his pencil's skyward beat. He pauses from his thinker's expression as though brought back to reality. He realizes he's being called on, and getting up from his slouch at his own time and leisure, he clicks down the pencil.

The womanly voice continues as Luie seems to answer his professor almost muted, as though all sound goes reverent at her tender but authoritative and wise presence.

queen Lillian (V.O)

The most obvious answer is- "Yes, a thousand times." (sweetly)

professor Eisen

Thank you.

Luie relaxes back to a slouch and leans his back against the chair, relieved. He looks to the window, as though a feeling of anticipation for something to occur...

queen Lillian (V.o)

But not all heroes begin with such clear, noble distinctions of wonder, love, enchantment,... and understanding. (Melancholy)

The phantom⁠—acting as our first-person view⁠—backs up, about to abandon the young hero in a sorrowful retreat. Still watching Luie, it begins its slow flight towards the window...

The school bell rings, sucking the attention back just before the presence exits. Luie turns to the door, the perspective is no longer associated with the phantom camera. His hasty movements to get out of the classroom aren't from the excitement of the bell, but simply to move with the intensity of the crowd that his peers present.

professor Eisen

Luie—Ehem, (mistake) Sanders. (clearer)

Professor Eisen rests one hand on his desk, using his other to gesture an impatient 'come here' as he has for the last several weeks of literature. He usually tries to use last names, but he's gotten to know Luie pretty well due to this routine.

Due to this repetition, Luie stops near the door, leaning his head back as though hoping the professor had given up. Was this the anticipating 'change' he had earlier hoped for? An escape from the pestering encouragements..? Guess not.

Students brush past him, and Luie has to actively fight to pull away from the safety of following the crowd and choose the opposite course back to his professor's desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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