repudiate reactions

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People started to flood the hallways and Tristan walked with Eloise into the classroom, his eyes averting from Eloise to the Gilmore girl.

While he was lost staring at her, Eloise pushed her way past him and sat. He looked slightly offended by the gesture and looked at Eloise, then smiled when she looked away from him. The English teacher started handing out essay papers they
wrote. "Decent effort by most, good effort by some, exceptional effort by two -- Miss Irvine..."

Eloise gently examined the paper laid on her desk and smiled in triumphant, the teacher returning that smile. "Ms. Geller, Ms. Grant, Mr. Graham... Ms. Gilmore..."

He put down the paper onto her desk and while giving a whole lecture about our work, looking at her continuously, only intridging more interest in Eloise. Rory glanced over at Eloise's paper and gasped as if she had just seen the gates of heaven open. "Considering your repudiate expression towards my paper, I take it you didn't score as high as you wanted?" Eloise spat.

Rory rolled her eyes slightly as Paris took Eloise's remark as amo to also turn and scold her.

Rory got up and started to walk quickly in Eloise's direction, standing in front of her blocking her path, "Why'd you have to say anything?"

"I was being eumoirous. You made a sound and I simply acknowledged your expression, Gilmore. You doing bad has nothing to do with my wellbeing, I could have cared less what you got."

"Then why say anything?" Rory then asked again.

"Is there something you're not comprehending in my English or do your ears need to be cleaned out? I don't care what you get, but making such a loud sound and looking at someone while doing so, is something that deserves a reaction, yes? If you were pushed to the floor and made a loud sound, would you want everyone to ignore you?"

Rory silenced herself and stood there with an overwhelmed expression.

"Look Gilmore, I apologize if it came out the way it did. Maybe you'll do better next time-", Eloise was cut off when a hand connected with her lower back. "Hey, Mary!" a familiar voice sounded next to Eloise's ears, the person almost breathing down her neck.

"And it just keeps getting better." Gilmore says, annoyed. The three started walking, Tristan's hand still on Eloise's back, slightly caressing her with his thumb.

"You look sad." he says, almost sounding concerned.

"I'm fine." Gilmore says, solemnly and irritated.

"I'm leaving now." Eloise said, stepping away from them.

"No, not yet Irvine, give me two seconds." he said as Eloise continued to speed forward.

Whatever the two were talking about was distant whispers to Eloise now. Eloise didn't want to admit it but everytime she saw Tristan talk to Gilmore, a hatred slightly emerged from within. Not of anyone but of her own feelings, she hated having feelings for anyone. She hated any bit of remorse, self-pity, or shame she felt relentlessly. But everytime, Tristan talked to Rory, she felt herself wanting to just evaporate, to just disappear. Eloise felt this often, but she truly never had to face any of this because she writes it all down into a small journal she keeps tucked into the mattress. She had to feel nothing as long as she wrote, as long as she denied what she felt, as long as she ran from it.

She left the school and decided the best way to go home right then, was to walk. She started walking until a car started to slow down beside her.

"Hop in." Tristan said, looking at Eloise, who had no jacket, sweatershirt, or even her blazer on and it was pretty obvious she was shivering.

"I like to exercise, Tristan, so go home."

"You know, sometimes I don't understand you, but I'd like to, E. I'd like to understand what goes off in that mind of yours. Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad, Dugray, I just need time to think." Eloise said, moving hair out of her eyes.

"Get in, please, it's cold." Tristan urged.

"Ugh, fine but don't stop anywhere and bring me straight home." Eloise said walking to the passenger's side.

Tristan nodded his head then started to dash off. As they were nearing Eloise's street, he passed it and turned to Eloise with a smile on his face. Eloise turned to him and opened her mouth about to curse him the hell out.

"Before you kill me, I just wanted to get you a drink, maybe a sandwich. I'm parched and starving so I didn't want to go alone." Tristan said, keeping his eyes on the road but a smile plastered across his face.

"You bitch, you sly bitch." Eloise said with a sweetness in her voice, Tristan laughed and let his shoulders shrug before saying, "Not sly, just super smart and hilarious and handsome, I would go on but I wouldn't want to be here until we are in nursing homes." Eloise let out a long needed laugh and Tristan smiled as he watched her. She was beautiful when she laughed, absolutely stunning.

Tristan finally stopped at a cafe and they both got out finding a table for two. While Tristan placed orders of what they wanted, Eloise fixed their stuff so it wouldn't block anyone else. Tristan walked back with a coffee for himself and tea for Eloise, and two sandwiches.

Eloise gently said, "Thank you!" as he extended the sandwich and tea towards her.

Tristan bit into his sandwich and looked at Eloise who was already looking at him.

"Can I stay at yours today?" Eloise asked briskly. Tristan, unconsciously let a smile sweep his face, and replied, "Yeah, of course and maybe we can attempt baking again after studying of course." He knew that would sweeten the deal for Eloise and he could see her face relax as she heard this.

"Yes, but only AFTER we study." Eloise emphasized.

"Of course, studying blah, blah, blah, then we bake." Tristan said which caused another smile to slither across Eloise's face.

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