7. danger lies ahead

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"OWOOOOOOO" Cass's body no longer belonged to her. She could feel all the bones in her body shifting, thickening and elongating. The pain was excruciating and Cass howled once again as the hairs all around her body became coarse and long, while the hair on the top of her head became shorter and thinner. Her face elongated and she could feel sharp teeth cutting into her gums, leaving her with a snout and pointed canine teeth.

Cass was completely transformed and could smell human near her. Without the logical mind of her human self, she was on the hunt for anything to feast on, and a werewolf's favorite meal stood right before her.

She turned around, feeling her powerful legs move in a fluid motion. The werewolf's eyes opened up and looked directly into Tonks's soul. Turning to a sickly yellow, they were no longer the chocolate brown they were minutes before. The werewolf snarled, and her razor sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight. Cass flexed her hands, feeling claws protrude from her fingers and cut into the pads of her hands. The metamorphmagus screamed in terror and tried to run, but her feet wouldn't budge. It was like they were glued in place and despite the constant tugging, they wouldn't leave the ground.

The werewolf stood tall above Nymphadora, staring down at her hungrily. It crouched down and swiped at Tonks with massive paws. She was able to duck down just in time, inches from being mauled into something unrecognizable. Dora panicked, her thoughts racing over different variations of a very painful death. Milliseconds before the werewolf lunged at her again, she apparated away to the place that made most sense to her in the horrifying moment. Most people would call it a dangerous excursion, but she could stay in the shadows, safe from the realm of soul suckers.

The air was cold, there was no warmth despite the summer season and it smelled like rotten corpses. Tonks almost tripped over a discarded log, an image of the werewolf imprinted behind her eyelids, but thankfully caught herself before she tumbled to the ground and alerted the Dementors, who had surprisingly not sensed the additional presence.

There was shuffling in cells all around Tonks and each source of movement let a shiver down her spine.

"Dora, is that you?" It was a raspy whisper that was the result of unused vocal chords.

She took a moment to answer, in shock from what she just witnessed, "Yeah, It's me. I have a slight problem."

"Why'd you come to me? You know how dangerous it is, with the Dementors circling everywhere." Tonks visited her cousin at Azkaban every once in a while. Her mom also visited him since they both knew that he was innocent and didn't actually kill the muggles the Ministry claimed he did.

"My parents would figure out that we snuck out and I think you have more experience in this category than them."

"You snuck out? For what?" To most, Sirius would seem indifferent, but Tonks could tell he was excited. His weary eyes shone a little brighter through the murkiness caused by constantly being surrounded by Demenotors. He snuck out multiple times as a child and wanted to know what his first cousin once removed was up to.

"I went out with Charlie, Fred, George, and Cass to a muggle carnival, but that's not what I need help with."

"Who's Cass?"

"Her name is Cathleen. She's kind of like a sister to me now. My parents took her in like a month ago."

"Oh, that's nice. What's your problem?"

"Well, one of your friends was a werewolf, right?" Tonks seemed like she didn't know how to explain her situation to Sirius.

"Yes, Remus, but that didn't make him bad. He was just like the rest of us and the werewolf part of him doesn't change that." Sirius was quite defensive about his childhood friends which didn't come as a surprise to Tonks, werewolves are severely misunderstood in the wizarding world. Sirius had made that clear to her on multiple occasions.

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