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It has been three, almost four days since you were captured by Mahito, and you could feel the fight inside of you dying. You were painfully hungry and thirsty, and the two of them seemed to have disappeared. During the day, you were rubbing your wrists against the chair arms, wearing down the rope in hopes of it snapping. During the evening, you were battling sleep, afraid that if you closed your eyes for too long that they would catch you off guard. 

The sun was rising, and your fourth night without anything to eat was starting to take a disgusting toll on you. You glance out the window of the apartment, watching the sun rise over the buildings next to yours, and you couldn't help but feel angry. Gojo didn't come for you. Not that he knew where they took you, however, it was agony waiting for someone to come save you. You continue slowly moving your wrist back and forth, feeling the rope rub away your skin and stain it with blood. Suddenly, you could feel it start to loosen. Your energy quickly picked back up as your heart pounded with anticipation. The rope quickly came undone, and you let out a loud yelp in response. Your wrists had been completely rubbed off and you were left with horrific burns that you couldn't stand to look at. You quickly pull away at the other rope around your left wrist, feeling your eyes burn with tears as you tugged. Following that, you broke free from your ankle restraints as well. You lean back in the chair, panting with relief. You were finally free. 

You take a slow stand, holding a hand over your mouth to contain your nausea. Your legs felt wobbly, and there was a burning sensation in your thighs from all of the blood rushing back into them. You make your way out of the living room and toward the kitchen, gripping the counter that was covered in molding pots and pans. You throw yourself toward the door and jiggle the handle. You spot the lock and quickly turn it. You did it, it's over now. As soon as you open the door, you dash forward without thinking. You quickly realize that you somehow ended up hitting the floorboards in the apartment. You look up, and you are met with a pair of familiar and haunting eyes. "Well done." Mahito laughs, looming over you. Your breathing picks up, and you can feel yourself getting dizzy. You were far too weak to fight him, and there was no way out unless you got through him. "I brought you something to eat." You stare at him in awe. He was holding a chipped, blue bowl with a wrap over top to keep the food warm. He kneels down in front of you, offering the bowl out to you. You hesitantly take it from him. You look at the bowl and you can feel yourself wanting to vomit. He had brought you a bowl of worms and maggots. "Fuck!" You squeal, tossing the bowl away from you and shuffling your feet. "Ungrateful brat. You need to eat or you'll die, and you're not dying until Gojo gets here." He picks up the bowl and places it on the kitchen counter, not breaking his eye contact with you. "What would you like to eat?" He groans, leaning against the door frame. "Not fucking worms." You hiss at him, pushing yourself further away from him. Mahito chuckles and folds his arms, "I'll be right back. Don't even think of running." Mahito turns his back to you and slams the door shut. You can hear him fiddling with a lock outside, and you knew you were stuck unless you jumped from the six-story window. 

You lay your head on the floorboard and shiver. You tried turning the tap, but muddy water came out. It felt like hours since Mahito left, and you weren't sure how much longer you could hold on. You could hear footsteps approaching, but you lacked the energy to try and stand up. You could hear the lock on the door turn, and Mahito stood in front of you once more. He had a small, white grocery back around his wrist. He down at you, and you could almost see how sorry he felt for you in his eyes. "You look like shit. Here." He tosses the bag down to you and you quickly sit up. You look into the bag and you are met with supermarket-packaged sushi, a loaf of bread, and two water bottles. You swallow the watery spit pooling up in your mouth and take out the package of sushi. "I don't care if you like it or not. Eat." He demands. You take the lid off, and the smell of improperly refrigerated fish meets your nose. You slowly take a roll out and place it into your mouth. Your stomach growled with pleasure, and you stuffed your face completely. You felt like a feral animal in the wild, eating your first meal. "Slow down or you'll make yourself sick." He says, shutting the door behind him. You look up at him once more, and he wasn't breaking eye contact. "I should probably get you tied back up before Geto gets here." he groans, looking over at the snapped ropes on the floor. You ignored him and kept stuffing food into your face. Mahito knelt down next to you again, causing you to jolt. "You're a messy little pig aren't you?" He chuckles, "don't make a mess on my floor." His voice went cold, and it sent a shiver down your spine. Mahito reached into his pocket and pulls out your ID card. He waves it in your face and then begins to read aloud. "Y/N L/N, grade one." He holds his hand to his mouth to contain his chuckling. "So you're pretty valuable at jujutsu high eh?" You feel your body tense up and he crawls closer to you, your faces only inches apart. "I can't wait to break you." 

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