#! the book i must get!

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this is random but some girl was knitting in class during english😦


"Nilou I'm sorry but I can't have lunch with you today."

"Huh? Why?"

You both were packing up to leave for lunch. Normally you both rush out for lunch together but today is different.

"Today is the new wimpy kid book AND Cyno told me he will buy it for me."

"Oohh." The girl let out. She knows that you will do anything to add to your collection and you're getting it free so she understands. Nilou is obviously your favorite friend by far.

"Alright! Have fun!" She told you and gave you a hug before running off to the spot you both normally go to.

Now you have to hunt for Cyno, knowing him he's probably still in class doing something so that's what your heading to do.


You made your way to his class but saw a bunch of students leaving it so it was a struggle to get your way inside to find him. Children these days just rush out.(or just really slow😒)

You made your way in and saw that some was still in the classroom and one of them was of course Cyno.

"You're the one who planned to leave school at lunch to get the book yet you're here in class?" You asked him with your hands folded.

He looked up at you and closed his notebook.

"I was writing down an excuse for why I won't be at the school council meeting today." He replied back.(I have no clue what the figgle fack you do at student council bc my country don't have those things but roll with it😉😉😘)

Honestly you forgot he was in that. He got his bag and started to walk while you followed behind. Of course people stared at you firstly you don't belong in the class and second your talking to someone in the student council and it kind made you feel a lil popular you know.(I will be scared😁)




"You are not the type to just leave school for a book."

"Yeah I'm not but who knows when the book will go? Plus you really like the series so.."

That made you blush and giggled and kick your feet inside but on the outside you just smiled.

"You are so nice Cyno."


Since you were crossing the streets, it's a habit of holding the person next to you for safety so knowing of his habit, you held onto his shirt while waiting for the cars to pass. Cyno noticed it and instead took your hand when it was time to cross.

I'm sure if Tighnari saw all these kissy actions and hand holding he will probably say something like "Why don't you just date".. That was what you were thinking of, when will it be the right time to ask him out? Will he ask you out first?

All thoughts left your mind when you saw the ice cream truck.

"Cyno I want an ice cream sandwich."




You ended up dragging him to the truck. You thought that since he was being so nice to buy you your dream book, you should buy him ice cream as a thank you.

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