DisneyVerse oc

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Name: Lunar

Nicknames: The Glitch, Luna

Age: Unknown, but everyone assumes she's 11

Height: 4'11

Gender: female

Sexuality: N/A

Personality: Curious, sweet, can be playful, eager to learn

Appearance: Short white hair, black eyes, white shirt with white shorts, arms, legs, and a small part of her face are glitchy

Home Universe: The DisneyVerse

Family: Oswald(uncle), Mickey(biological father)

Friends: Anyone who is nice to her, your ocs

Enemies: not much, besides for the Disney Villains when she learns about them

Likes: Being with her family, exploring, learning about the world

Dislikes: being alone, seeing her family upset, the Disney Villains

Crush(optional): none

Powers/Abilities: none

Backstory: not much is known about Lunar because she isn't complete yet. She wasn't supposed to exist, but something happened and she appeared in DisneyVerse. She was then found by Oswald and adopted by him. However, not too long after that, everyone found out that Lunar was originally supposed to be Mickey's daughter when she was completed, since YenSid found out she had some of Mickey's DNA inside of her. But, Lunar didn't care. She still loves both Mickey and Oswald, and almost never leaves their sides

Other: She doesn't have any emotions yet, but throughout time, she will slowly start to discover all of the emotions as time moves on. Mickey is technically Lunar's biological father, because as Lunar was being created, the creators put some of Mickey's DNA inside of her.

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