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The storm raged on as you tore through the forest. As the lightning flickered across the sky you could see in small glimpses where you needed to go which was towards the sound of rushing water. Behind you came the sound of low growls and muttered curses. The primal Dom you'd managed to poke until he went into hunting mode. Your Dom. You stopped only for a few moments to catch your breath then continued on as soon as the sky went dark again as the lightning faded. The sound of rushing water was now closer than ever, and you waited until the lightning began again to start looking for a way over the flooding creek, but it was no use. The water was entirely too high and fast for you to cross. 

You did manage to glimpse the outline of a hunting cabin a couple hundred yards away and you started towards it. The trees and bushes slowed you, but you still managed to get there before he did and locked the door behind you as soon as you got inside. That didn't slow him down or stop him. Just as you were scrambling up the stairs you heard shattering glass and a primal growl from downstairs and for a split second you froze and that was all he needed. In three steps, he was up the stairs with his hand around your throat and fire burning in his milky white eyes. "MINE!" Dz growls possessively as you whimper beneath his hand. "On your knees, pet," he says as the lightning flashes a bright orangish white and illuminates the pair of you as you kneel in front of him. "Did you really think you'd be able to outrun me even if it is storming?" He asks in an almost sweet tone. But you've been with him long enough to know that, this isn't sweet. He doesn't do sweet. This is him being calm enough to let you explain your actions to him before he unleashes his punishment upon you. 

"I...I didn't actually mean to run this far. There was this treehouse that I'd seen on one of our nature walks last week and I was trying to make it to that. But it's too dark and I couldn't find it, so I decided to start for the creek, but then we got there, and I wasn't about to try and cross that." You state quite nervously as you look up at him. You remain as still as you can as you feel his hand slowly slide down from where he's caressing your cheek to grasp your throat. "You...wanted to try and cross the creek...in the middle of a storm?" He asks in a deathly quiet tone, and you know you've fucked up. "N...No," you gasp. His hand tightens and a guilty whimper drops from your lips. "You realize I could have lost you in that? That you could have drowned? Do you realize what that would have done to me?" He asks and suddenly it dawns on you. All the months of you two meeting up and you initiating the hunt, you'd simply thought you were just something to use, a fuck toy if you will. But this confession made you realize that in his mind you were much more than just holes to fuck. 

"Oh, pet, you didn't actually think that you meant nothing to me did you?" Dz asks as he tilts his head looking down at you. "Well...I mean..." You begin but your words are failing you. How could this dark creature...this god want something as small and, in your eyes, pathetic as you. "Let me show you how much you mean," he says as he pulls you up and drags you to the single twin bed that's set underneath a small window near were both halves of the roof meet at a point. You barely had time to register what he was doing before you were on your back with him on top of you. You went to open your mouth to say something, but then he was kissing you and all fucking thoughts were lost. You'd kissed Dz plenty of times before, but this was something entirely different. Yeah, it was filthy like it always was, but there was an edge of neediness to it that sent your head spinning. "What was it I called you when I caught you?" He pants as he breaks the kiss and reaches down with one hand to start undoing his belt. "Mine," You whisper, barely audible above the storm outside. 

"Say. It. Louder!" He growls as his hand wraps around your throat again. "Mine!" You moan as you squirm beneath him. "That's right. So, what makes you think that what we've done or what we're about to do means fucking nothing to me? I told you before I don't fuck just anybody unless they do mean something to me," he says in that same dark tone that has your cunt obscenely wet and you're not even out of your pants yet. You're so far gone you don't see the evil grin spread across his face, but you do hear the change in his voice when he leans down and whispers in your ear, "But I want to tease you first, pet. You like it when I tease you and make you beg for it, don't you?" A needy whine is all you can manage to answer him with which causes him to chuckle and slide his hand down the front of your pants. "Fuck you're so damn wet and I haven't even started to torture you yet. Guess that just means I'm good at my job, hmm?" He asks as he slides two fingers deep inside you. "Oh, fuck! Dz...don't stop!" You beg as you dig your nails into his shoulder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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