Chapter 9

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It's noisy....

Are people screaming...?

Can't they just quiet down...?

Bubbles float out of his mouth as he continues to fall deeper into the deep body of water without a need for air. Letting many little hands pull him lower and lower into the darkness of the abyss, Frederick doesn't open his eyes.

'Too noisy... someone tell them to shut up and just let me rest....'

'I will, under one condition.'

'... What?' barely aware, Frederick feels a pair of hands cupping his cheek and someone's breathing right next to his own.

'Frederick Jordan... may I have your name?'


"Mmm...." Flipping around before bright yellow eyes open up boredly, Frederick looks up at his hands, moving his fingers before looking around the room and back up at the three figures staring down at him worriedly. Frederick bites down a smile. He is back.


"What...?" Asking lightly as he is met with a big hug from both Simon and Michael while Mark signed out in relief, Frederick bites down a yelp and scrambles to sit up, leaving the two to stare at him in confusion as the boy leans his back against the bed frame with a small sign and lightly rubs his head. "I just woke up... Can you guys quiet down a bit...?"

"... of course...." Sitting back with Michael staring at Frederick with his worriedness only growing more, Simon stayed quiet. Nodding lightly before quietly handing Frederick some water, Mark gently pulls Michael and Simon back onto their feet and gives the boy a small smile. "Yes, you should rest. We'll come to check on you another time. Rest well, alright, dear?"

"Alright. Thanks, Mark." Giving a light smile over and giving the three a light wave as they leave the room door, closing it tight, Frederick has no wish to stay in here longer than he already was. Standing up and straightening out his hospital gown, looking more like a blue kimono-top that is paired with pants, Frederick lightly brushes his hair out of his face before walking out of the room just like that.

The sun had already set, and as Frederick walked back home barefoot with nothing but the blue hospital gown, his face lacked emotion as he walked in the shadows of the night. Almost bumping into a drunk man singing in the middle of the night, Frederick stares down as the man looks up at the abnormally tall teen before running away screaming.


"Weirdo." Lightly clicking his tongue before continuing on his way home, Frederick supposes that nobody walks around in a hospital gown besides horror movie ghosts, and the other looks very drunk, but it is still very disrespectful. After all, he is still very much alive and breathing.

Arriving at his house before pausing at the drain in the front of his house, Frederick kneels down beside it before opening the lid up to peek inside. There, barely a foot away, lays a small silver key stuck on the very bottom of this shallow drain. Taking it out and holding the muddied key in his hand, Frederick stands back up. It's time to go home.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Meeting eyes with the man and woman who glare hard his way like he is the most disgusting thing they've ever seen, Frederick, for once, remains unfazed. He glared back just the same.

"The hospital. Are you blind or dumb? Do I need to be showing up with a fucking ambulance for you to understand?"

"You little-"

"Go on, finish it." Letting a small smirk onto his face, Frederick tilts his head to the side tauntingly. "Or are you guys weak on your vocabs to the point that you don't have anything to finish it up with? May I suggest the word genius if that is the case? Best insult out there."

"Okay, enough is enough, brat." Pushing himself away from the table and walking over, grabbing Frederick harshly by the collar, Charles snarls as he meets eyes with the unfazed boy, which only makes his anger flare more. "I don't know what had gotten into your fucking brain today, but if you talk back like that again, I'll fucking-"

"Fucking what? Kill me? Please! You don't have the gut!" scoffing and smirking wider, not fearing for his life, Frederick stands himself up before slapping Charles' hand away, pushing the man down to the floor, his smirk turns into a darkened line of complete seriousness. "Also, fucking touch me again, and I'll rip your whole ass arm off. Got me... Father?"

Watching with complete shock and not saying a thing, Frederick glances over at Caroline, who flinches lightly in his spot before raising his hand up in the air. As both adults close their eyes with a flinch, a small silver key lands perfectly on the woman's lap, Frederick makes his way upstairs. "Don't drop those keys again or pick it up yourself. You knew where it was."

"What do you mean-"

"Because you fucking dropped it." Looking back with a resting bitch face, Frederick gave the fuming Charles one last glare. "And the vase, Charles broke it and stop blaming me for your shit and clumsiness. That's too low even for you... wait," pausing lightly before letting out a small chuckle, Frederick tilts his head in light amusement. "My bad! Nothing is too low for you! You guys are already crawling on the bottom, after all!"

"You little shit!"


And just like that, Charles falls down the stairs with a chop and a push and now lays there in agony with his arms bent the opposite way. Shaking his head with his hands now in his pocket and disappearing into his room, Frederick gives them one last wave before leaving them to deal with their own problems like they should.

"Bye-bye bitches. Including you, Charles. And no, your gender doesn't matter. Either do you."

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