Lazy Day (Ziall)

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A/N: This is for @inawhilecrocodile she wants anything that deals with Ziall so I'm doing a cute lazy day drabble.


3rd Pov

The day consisted of Zayn and Niall chilling and playing Mario Kart 7, lounging in the game room, only getting up for food or restroom.

"Ha! I won beat that!!" Niall threw his controller on the carpeted ground and jumped around doing his victory dance.

"No fair, I was looking at how you bite your lip and that's the same face you do when I have my dick so far up your ass." Zayn sat there and seductively bit his lip.

Niall blushed and looked at his boyfriend biting his lip, eye-raping him. "You always have to ruin my moments with your negative thoughts." He giggled and walked towards Zayn and sat on his lap.

Zayn kissed Niall while he threw his arms around Niall's waist and Niall's arm around Zayn's neck. When they puller away Zayn bit Niall's bottom lip, Niall moaned softly.

"We'll save that for tonight," Zayn smirked and looked at Niall's flushed red face.

"I love you." Niall mumbled into Zayn's chest, "UHibbuka jaan." Zayn whispered into Niall's ear.

"It means I love you in Arabic." Zayn's hot breath on Niall's neck which made goosebumps rise on Niall's skin.


Zayn and Niall laid in bed talking about their future, "Do you think we'll ever get married? With kids?" Niall asked Zayn softly.

"Maybe someday, but right now let's worry about now and what life takes us."

"Ane Bekihak," Niall tried saying, "It's, Ana behibak babe." Zayn laughed.

"But you know what I meant," Niall pouted and laughing and kissed him. "I love you Niall James Horan." Zayn cooed.

"I love you too Zayn Javvad Malik." Niall mumbled stubbornly.

After that, they just chilled on the bed watching reruns of Orange Is The New Black on Netflix and eating pizza, wearing sweatpants and socks.

Life couldn't get better than that.

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