Universe Shifter💙💛

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This book was originally made by LoneRanger253 and I asked if I could make a book like this and they said I could so thank you LoneRanger!! Also check them out they are an amazing wonderful writer

Universe Shifter Au

This au is a Rq au but also S.S, Assassin's, and Flash. It does take place in the rainbow kingdom and this au is kinda inspired by IDrawzStuff reincarnation book but only for certain things like Void and the villains being in a demon form and Faceless being nice because now we know who he truly is (I didn't watch the series completely yet XD heard about for others and edits).

About this au

-Everytime Sabre goes to "sleep" (in this book he has insomnia) instead of actually going to sleep he gets teleported (but not physically) to another dimension.

-The other dimensions are real and if he gets hurt in that dimension he does get that scar or pain when "waking up"

-He does not get actually sleep when getting teleported to another dimension

-Time and M also join this dimension shifting later than Kiyoshi (Therapist Green) they also when shifting don't get sleep

-When shifting back to where they normally live there body is still in the dimension but acts like they are asleep

-Even if fainting, getting knocked out, or something along making them close their eyes for a long period of time they still end up in the other dimension

-If fainting or blacking out etc. in the other dimension they don't always come back "home" unlike if they fainted or blacked out in there normal dimension

-Every dimension is unique and different in there own way (also suggestions for dimensions would be great I have some already but would like more!) •^•

-Related to Assassins, Flash, and S.S because after fighting his dad in Assassin's he out of nowhere when almost getting killed someone saves him before death. Flash because after defeating ever villain and going back to "his normal life" gets bullied and bullies pull a stupid and throw him off a cliff and that cliff teleports him to S.S and S.S because after the end crystal exploding and getting teleported to the virus dimension and fixing that problem they meaning Virus and Anti-Virus try to send him back but can't because Void from Rq interven and takes him to Rq

-Sabre has a lot of scars and the end crystal scar is his biggest one that scar can glow purple

That's all I'm going to tell you for now! Until I finish with everything else! I plan on writing this as a book! And I'm excited to write about it myself! I also plan on making this series as an animation because I've always wanted to do something like that but that's going to take a while so I'm going to write a book as well!


Also thank you IcyWillowSong for inspiring me to write again!! Big thanks to you as well!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful fantastic rest of your day!!

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