Minecraft Legends, Dungeons & more Au 💙💛

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Ok this Au may be a little confusing to explain without spoiling it too much because I've started writing a book for this Au because I love this Au I made and am doing it instead of the Highschool one :'D well for now-


This Au is about the Minecraft games and more :] If you know these games it might help you understand hehehe...

Anyways this Au hopefully will be broken up into 4 books because of how long I made this Au and each book is a new adventure :] though I will say the Steve won't be involved till later so it's mostly about Sabre for most of it in the beginning so yeah :] I don't know what to say about that-

I'll mostly talk about the fist book because I don't wanna spoil the other books :'D this will be hard-

-Sabre is young in this Au he will be 13 when he starts his journey

-Sabre loves alone though with his pets though he has a dog, a cat and a horse

-The dogs name is Spirit, the cats name is Soul and the horses name is Moonlight

-Sabre is extremely good at fighting and can very very serious but does have a childlike personality and is very hyper

-Sabre doesn't have a bandana on he actually just closes his eyes sometimes though the bandana will be like a scarf to him

-Sabre has a bunch of different eye colors :]] (can't tell ya what color they are though hehehe)

Now onto some scenarios only a few though lol

- - - -

Sabre: What so getting shot with an arrow isn't normal?

Foresight and Action being speechless

Knowledge: It is definitely NOT normal hero definitely not normal...

Sabre: Oh...

- - - -

Sabre: My soldiers listen up! *talking to his golems*

Knowledge: His soldiers? *talking to Foresight and Action*

Sabre: I just wanted to tell you I love you all :]

Foresight: His soldiers

- - - -

Action: Are you ready hero?

Sabre: I am 100% ready to possibly get flung, scratch and maybe stabbed but I am 100% ready to help out and get rid of this nether portal :D

Action: I love the enthusiasm but what-

Knowledge and Foresight are just staring at him in shock

- - - -

Knowledge: So what are we going to do today?

Sabre: Fight?

Knowledge: No Hero you NEED to SLEEP

Sabre: Why?

Knowledge: BECAUSE you haven't got sleep in 2 weeks I don't even understand how you are functioning!

Sabre: UMM magic?

Knowledge: I- yeah ok magic but now SLEEP kiddo!

Sabre: Boo but fine

Knowledge: Good

- - - -

Now that I notice I haven't made an Au for anyone to claim I'll do that soon I swear!

Also AnxiousEmoBean the Au is finally here XD

ANYWAYS I hope you like it I'm starting to write the book already don't worry though The dreadful and Solace are getting another chapter just give me time please I've been having a hard time writing things because I get excited about something else and wanna do that but I'm working on it I SWEAR!! Just need motivation-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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