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Username: Keeper_Dalek

 Book Name: The Secrets of the Forbidden Cities, a KOTLC Story 

Genre: Adventure, romance, etc. . .

 Mature: Nope

 Tags: I don't think I can do tags in pms

 Ongoing or Finished: Finished!

 What it's about: When the Black Swan gets a distress call hidden somewhere inside the Forbidden Cities, Sophie Foster and her friends go to investigate. They discover problems hidden within the human world that seem to be connected to the Neverseen, and they meet a new friend to join them on their dangerous journey. But this group of friends can't use their abilities without giving up their covers. They must learn to live as humans in order to find their person in distress. In this action-packed Keeper of The Lost Cities Fanfiction, Sophie and her friends must learn to do normal human things from formal dances to not being able to light leap to wherever they want to go. When they discover a groundbreaking secret about their new companion, the lines between friend and enemy become blurred. But will a shocking discovery blow their cover, or lead them to their answer?

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