chapter three ~ bugs

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Jaenys spent quite a bit of her time with her aunt, Princess Helaena. And, honestly, she was a really interesting and fun person to be around. Her brother, Aegon, was always judging her, even though they were betrothed.

"You know, Jaenys, you're one of the only people who are willing to touch my bugs." Helaena smiled at her niece, who was holding a centipede.

Jaenys looked up at her aunt. "They are adorable, if you change the way you view them. They are truly harmless..." The centipede crawled over her gloved hand.

"Well, well, sister, it seems you are corrupting our dear niece with your bug fascination." Aegon chuckled, walking up to them, and winking at Jaenys. She glared, shaking her head.

Jaenys placed the centipede in Helaena's hands. "Quiet, Uncle. At least she isn't fascinated with whores and alcohol." The young princess left the room, leaving Aegon with a slightly shocked expression. She was trying to find her mother.

"Princess, I presume you are looking for Princess Rhaenyra?" A maid who was passing asked her.

I nodded. "Yes, do you know where she is?"

"I believe she is out watching the princes train." The maid smiled

"Thank you very much!" Jaenys quickened her pace, heading for the training grounds. There, she saw Ser Criston, not going easy on her brothers. She also saw her mother sitting nearby, cradling her youngest brother.

"Come on, My Prince, certainly you can do better." Ser Criston tapped Lucerys's shoulder with his sword.

"You needn't be so hard on him." Jaenys gave the knight a stern look.

He nodded. "My apologies, Princess." He turned to leave. She picked up her bow, heading to the targets. She nocked an arrow, slowly drawing her right arm back. She closed her eye, focusing on the centre of the target. She fired, and the arrow pierced the middle of the target. She smiled happily, going to collect the arrow.

"Jaenys, do you have a moment?" Rhaenyra's voice sounded.

Jaenys looked back. "Yes, of course, Mother." She set her bow and arrows down, and her heels clicked on the cobblestone.

"Would you be able to watch Joffrey for a little bit? I have to attend a council meeting." Rhaenyra's eyes reflected just how tired she was.

"I would love to, Mother! Shall I take him now?" She had her hands clasped behind her, waiting for her mother's response.

"That would be amazing," she handed Joffrey to her daughter, causing him to fuss. Jaenys shushed him. "Thank you so much."

Jaenys smiled. "Anytime!" She slightly bowed to her mother, and began heading inside to find Helaena. Eventually, she found her, sitting on a balcony with her bugs. 

"Hello, Jaenys. I see you brought the baby." Helaena glanced at her niece, with a warm smile.

"I am on baby-watching duty right now... I thought I would relax here while my mother goes to the council." Jaenys took a seat on one of the chairs.

Helaena nodded. "I see. By the way, Aemond mentioned he was looking for you."

"Okay, thanks, I'll go find him later." Turns out, Jaenys didn't have to. Aemond spotted them, and began walking over.

"I was looking everywhere for you, Jaenys." Aemond sat beside Jaenys.

"Sorry, I'm looking after Joffrey..." Jaenys gave her uncle an apologetic smile.

He shook his head. "No worries." The three sat in a comfortable silence, until Joffrey began crying.

Jaenys stood up, swaying her brother. "It's okay, don't cry... Mother will return soon, and you will be able to eat something." Aemond watched, as his niece's brown curls bounced as she swayed the baby. Eventually, one of maids came to find Jaenys.

"Princess Jaenys," she bowed. "I can take Prince Joffrey from you, as Princess Rhaenyra has finished her council."

Jaenys handed her brother to the maid. "Thank you very much."

"Anytime, milady." The maid bowed, and went to find Rhaenyra.

"Well, I am going to head to my chambers. I'm sure I'll see you all later... His Majesty mentioned something about a family dinner." Jaenys smiled, and bowed to her aunt and uncle.

"Were you aware of the dinner?" Aemond asked his sister.

She simply shook her head. "I was not, Brother, though it surprises me Father said nothing." He nodded in agreement, and also headed to his chambers.

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