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Stand user: Y/N L/N

Age: 15

Stand name: damsel distress


Just like a Goddess ( from part 6 in my goddess book )

Still has a sword but it's actually part of her stand

When y/n is in rage, it would be like the shogun ( from  genshin impact cause I love genshin.. )

Boss fight. Big eye with sword coming out,

also have an infusion with white power on her blade and hand when using her fist.

It doesn't really kill the person but it will cause them great pain.


Loving family, has three siblings and is the eldest.

Is a weeb and a smart student despite her behavior, suddenly transfer to part 4

Y/N hates reality so she tries to escape it

Y/N is kind of shy around people and once she gets comfortable with them, she's cheerful.

She prefers reading than watching

Swears a lot but mostly she doesn't swear

Favorite character: okuyasu najimura

Lives in a apartment in part 4

Fun fact:

Y/N is fluent in Japanese

She's russian

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