Chapter 1

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There was something in the way you moved. Something in the way your hair flew as the strong wind blew on them. You were laughing with two others, and I wished you knew just how mesmerizing your smile and laughs were. I was captivated by you, you, and you only. It was at that moment that I realized I had found my first love.


As the cheers grew louder, the beats I created with my drums became much clearer. The blinding lights from up ahead and the undeniable happiness of the audience were enough for me. It was a sign that they were enjoying our song. With that, I did what I do best, improvising a little.

I glanced at Drystan and saw that he was signaling me between his lines to not continue doing it. I chuckled, it was a sign for me not to mess with the song he worked hard to write. I just smiled at him ridiculously. With the last hit of my drums, the last strum of the guitar, and the ending note of the vocals and bass guitar, our gig came to an end.

"So, I'd like to thank everyone who came to watch us tonight. You guys are awesome. This is Phoenix Harmony, signing off, good night everybody, have fun while the night is still young."

Drystan who was standing in front of the microphone bid the audience goodbye. I hopped from my seat to go backstage, It wasn't a bit later until I received a smack on the back of my head.

"Were you possibly trying to ruin my song? You idiot"

It was Drystan, with one hand on his waist and a stern look plastered on his face, he looked like a nagging mom. It was far from the smiling face he had on while he was singing on stage.

"Well, it just looked like he was having really fun on the stage"

Koa, who was evidently taller than Drystan tapped the latter on the shoulder while chuckling. Although we all knew that behind that chuckling face is actually a menacing grin.

"Justify his every act and he'll forever try to do that stunt"

"Well, it turned out quite well, and to be honest it was fantastic. I don't think the audience noticed too instead they did enjoy it"

Kenzo was the one who rebutted Drystan and just like an everyday occurrence, Drystan just let out a sigh and resigned himself to the chair on the side.

"You guys sure did great out there. What would we do if we didn't have Phoenix Harmony for our night gig"

Seira, the manager of the pub where we were working part-time, was clapping his hands as he approached us with a full smile plastered on his face. Why wouldn't he though, he got another full house.

"I swear I wouldn't know what I would do if you guys aren't here"

"Then raise the pay"

Seira just laughed off Kenzo's remark like he hadn't heard anything at all.

"Well, Seira we'll pack up"

"Already? No encore?"


As Koa and Drystan started to collect our stuff which was being organized by the pub's employees, Seira was obviously desperate for the full house to last as he seemingly pleaded for us to do an encore.

But instead of resigning to his wish, the two just looked at each other and as if all of us used telepathy. We said in perfect unison.

"It's the first day of school"


Serenity could seriously need an anti-headache medicine. Galene and Quincey were bickering so early in the morning and all because they couldn't decide on who would sit near the window.

"I told you that's the seat that's not noticeable"

"And I told you that seat allows me to see the whole classroom"

"Why in the world would you need to see the whole classroom?"

"Observational purposes"

Serenity let out a sigh and just decided to mediate between the two before they totally become late. The way Quincey blankly stated for observational purposes was the last straw. She knew that it was only a moment before Galene burst out of insanity.

"Enough, I'll sit there if that would make you two stop"


The way the two answered in unison just made Serenity's headache more. Sometimes she does wonder how these two could agree and disagree with one another in just a matter of seconds.

"Can we just go to the room now please?"

She had to beg just for them to stop because she knew if she didn't do it they wouldn't stop with their childish antics. But that doesn't mean she hates it, it does get on her nerves sometimes but she has learned to live with their personalities over the years.

The three of them had been together since grade school, but due to some unforeseen events, they needed to transfer schools in their sophomore year. This was their first day.

Serenity savored the peaceful and serene environment on their way to the classroom. Clandestine High was popular because of its school structure. Every corner and part of the school is planted with trees and the grasses are nicely trimmed and looked after every day. It lets you feel like you're one with nature. It wasn't such a bad decision that they transferred here after all.

If only she hadn't left something back at her old school. Or rather, someone.

"Serenity I swear if you're thinking about Jace again, I will hit you"

Galene's soft yet threatening voice made Serenity gaze at the two. She didn't notice that they were ahead of her by five steps. They had stopped when they noticed Serenity silently drifting away from them.

Serenity softly smiled and just walked ahead of the two.

"I'm not, I'm just enjoying the view"


Serenity perfectly knew that it was Quincey who had remarked but she decided to ignore it and just walk ahead of them. Because she indeed was a liar, but that's not something she would agree to so open-heartedly.

Serenity felt lucky enough that they didn't need to search for their classroom so thoroughly. They instantly saw it when they turned by the stairs. Their classroom was located at the right corner of the second floor, just beside the stairs that they used.


The three all had the same reaction when they saw their supposed classroom. All of the chairs were huddled up on both sides of the room and in the center... well, in the center was a drum set.

"That's a freaking full drum set"

Serenity and Galene both had the same reaction, it was a full drum set, like the ones you see on stages where bands used to play.

"Phoenix Harmony"

"Phoenix Harmony"

"Phoenix Harmony"

As the students inside the classroom began to chant, students from other classrooms began to loiter and get a glimpse of what was happening. The three who didn't have a choice just decided to go inside their classroom and wait in the far left corner of the room.

And towards the center, four individuals, two holding guitars, one holding a microphone and another holding drumsticks, took the center like it was their own mini stage.

"This will be a little welcome gift for our new classmates"

The vocals started to sing the first note of their song but Serenity's eyes were fixated on one person and one person only.

She watched as he beat the sticks to the edge and to the center of the drum set. She watched as he seemed to enjoy himself more than the audience cheering for them. She stared at him for the longest time and even a couple of minutes seemed like an eternity.

And when his eyes met hers, everything else just stopped.

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