Not Always Alone

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Sophia POV:

I sit outside of the local café when I start to feel an energy. It was angry. A ghost. I look around and see the ghost. I knew him. His name was Alexander Graham. He went to my school. I didn't know him that well but from what I could tell he was pretty much  loner besides his friend Matt and his sister Jane. But before I can say anything he disappears.

I type 'Alexander Graham' into the search box. A YouTube video pops up and I click on it. It was Alex. He was skating at some old skate park. I recognize the background.

It used to be really popular before they closed it down. It happened all so suddenly. I grab my phone and keys before I leave for the skate park.I look around. Everything was dusty and rusty. But I didn't expect much else. It's been decades since it was last open.

"Hello? Alex?" I call. "It's Sophia. We go to the same school."

"I know who you are." A voice says. I gasp and turn around. It was Alex.

"What happened to you?" I question.

"That's not any of your business." He states before disappearing.

I begin to walk home and realize that it's almost dark. Wow. I didn't realize I was gone that long. A gust of wind blows in my face and I fall to the ground.

Great. I'm going to be late and injured. Eventually I make it home. Mom and dad run over to me.

"What happened?" Mom questions.

"I'm fine. I just fell." I try to reassure them.

"At least let me clean it up." Dad begs. I sigh and nod.

I start walking through the woods and end up at the skate park. Then I appear on the ramp. I begin to skate on the ramp which is weird since I have no idea how to even use a skateboard.

I stop on the top of the ramp. Thank god. I hear a noise and turn around. But nothings there. Before I can do or say anything else I fall down the ramp.

I open my eyes screaming. My parents come rushing in and sit near me. I lean into my dads shoulder and cry.

This was the worse part. The visions and dreams. Everything felt so real. Even though I've dealt with this for so long, it would still haunt me. After a while I fall right back asleep.

The events of last night still play in the back of my head. But I knew that I would just have to shake it off and move on. I quickly get changed in leggings and a long sleeve shirt and go downstairs. I see my dad watching TV. It was a news report.


"Alex." I whisper.

"You know this kid?" Dad questions.

"Yeah. He goes to my school." I state and Alex appears next to me.

"Look at that, just because I died I'm suddenly important." He scoffs.

"That's not true." I tell him.

"He's here?" Dad questions. I nod and look back at Alex.

"Do you see a light?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Well.. is there someone you want to talk to?"

"No one wants to talk to me." He states before disappearing.

"Dad, can I go out for a little while?" I ask.

"Sure. Just don't be out too late." He sighs.

I smile and kiss his cheek before leaving. I needed to find a way to cross him over. I guess you can say it's in my blood. I begin to walk to Alex's house. Since it's a small town everyone knows where everyone lives. At this point there was only one person that I could think of to get him to cross over. His sister. I ring the doorbell. I look around. He had a pretty nice house. The door opens and his sister opens the door.

"Sophia.." She trails off.

"Hey." I smile. "Can we talk?"

"I guess. But we should probably talk out here. My mom had a busy night last night." She tells me. I nod and we walk out to her front yard. "So what is it you want?"

"Look, I know how strange this is going to sound.. but I have a gift. I can talk to and see the earth bound spirits. Ghosts." I start to explain. And this is usually the part where they start crying or screaming. But Jane was just staring at me with a blank expression.

"Ghosts?" She questions and I nod. "Is he here?" I start to feel anger and hopelessness. I turn to see Alex. He was right by Jane. I look at her and nod. "Alex.. I miss you so much."

"Tell her the same goes for me." He states.

"He misses you too." I tell her.

"Alex.. what were you thinking? You promised you weren't going to go back to that skate park." She says as a tear begins to roll down her cheek. Alex wipes the tear away and she touches her cheek. She looks up at me. "I can feel him."

"Yeah. If they try hard enough, they can pretty much do anything." I explain. "But it's not good for him to stay here. He doesn't belong here anymore. He belongs in the light."

"The light?" She asks and I nod. "But I don't want him to leave."

"I know that this is hard, but it is what is best for him." I try to reason.

"Tell her that it's ok. Tell her I'll be ok." He states.

"He's saying that he'll be ok, and he's ready to move on." I tell her.

"But what about me and mom?" She cries.

"You'll be fine. Just don't forget about me." He says with a smile.

"He wants you to not forget about him." I state.

"I could never forget about him. He's my big brother." She smiles. Alex kisses Jane on the cheek.

"I love you." He whispers and walks into the light.

"He's gone." I state.

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