Never Mean To You ~ Heather

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Pairing: Heather X Fem Reader

Requested By: Orochimaru_Wife23
Y/N: Your Name

"Come on Y/N! We gotta hurry if we're gonna win the challenge." Courtney says as the group is running towards the woods for their challenge.

"I'm trying. I can't run that fast." You say as you are following the others into the woods.

"You can't do much of anything either." Heather says as she and the others come to a stop.

"Excuse me!?" You ask angrily.

"Leave her alone Heather." Gwen says as she and some of the others give Heather nasty looks.

"Whatever. Let's just hurry up so we can beat the other team." Heather says as the group gets to running with her at the lead.

"Hey you okay?" A voice asks revealing to be Duncan as he runs with you at the back of everyone else.

"You don't have to run with me Duncan." You say as you are running.

"Hey I'm just trying to be friendly. I know Heather has been picking on you a lot lately." Duncan says as he is running with you.

"Yeah but she picks on everyone." You say as you look at Duncan.

"Yeah but not as much as she does you though." Duncan says.

"Duncan's right. Why don't you stand up for yourself?" Gwen asks as she comes running over.

"Like it'll do much good. She always gets her way no matter what." You say as you sigh.

"Maybe but I don't get why she always picks on you though. Yeah you may not be the best on our team but you're certainly the most willing and you always try to be helpful to everyone. Including to her much as I don't understand why." Gwen says as she gives a curious look.

"It's because she likes Heather." Cody says as he runs up to the group.

"Cody!" You say annoyedly as you look at Cody.

"What? You do?" Cody asks.

"I told you not to say anything." You say annoyedly as you look at Cody.

"Wait. You act like you do around Heather because you like her?" Gwen asks in shock.

"Oof. That's a rough one." Duncan says as he gives a surprised look.

"Look guys it's fine. It's just a little crush." You say as you run a little faster to be by yourself.


"Okay so we need to be looking for clues around here from what Chris said. Let's move it people!" Heather says as everyone comes to a stop as they come to the first area for their challenge.

"Just because you're here Heather doesn't mean you have to boss the rest of us around. We all heard the instructions same as you." Gwen says annoyedly.

"Maybe but that doesn't mean we're all gonna be on the ball though. Some of us have to be told what to do Goth Girl." Heather says as she looks at Gwen.

"Leave her alone Heather." Cody says.

"Or what? You're the most pathetic person on this team." Heather says as you look at her in surprise before giving an annoyed look.

"Leave Y/N alone. She didn't do anything to you." Beth says as she goes over to you.

"Why? It's the truth. She's useless." Heather says.

"No it's not and if you took the time to get to know her or paid attention you'd know that." Trent says.

"Look Heather I don't know what your deal is with me but it needs to stop. We're both on the same team here." You say angrily as you look at Heather.

"We might be on the same team but at least I'm trying to help my team win unlike you. You're the slowest of us and you're never good for anything. I don't even know why you're on this team." Heather says coldly as everyone looks at you.

"Fine. If that's how you feel then do the challenge without me." You say angrily as you begin to walk off.

"Oh come on girl. Don't let her get to you." Leshawna says.

"Yeah Y/N. We need you. You're the best when it comes to scavenger hunts." Cody says as he looks at you.

"No. Just leave me alone." You say as you run off crying.


"Hey here you are. Wondered where you got off to." Heather says as she later finds you braiding vines and flowers into bracelets.

"Leave me alone Heather. I don't wanna talk to you. You're nothing but a jerk." You say angrily as you look away from Heather.

"Okay I deserved that." Heather says.

"You deserve much more than that." You say coldly.

"Okay look I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it." Heather says.

"I don't believe you and if you're only doing this so the others don't kick you off forget it. I don't wanna hear it." You say as you don't look at Heather.

"Actually we won earlier. But not thank to me. It was thanks to the others being friends with you." Heather says kindly.

"And how is that exactly since I'm so useless?" You ask angrily.

"They weren't kidding when they said you had some pretty good talents. Like the scavenger hunt earlier was pretty easy since the others watched how you did things before and followed your lead. That helped us to win." Heather says as she smiles while sitting beside you.

"Your point?" You ask.

"You're not useless okay? I'm sorry for the things I said. I didn't mean them." Heather says.

"Then why did you say them?" You ask angrily.

"It's because I like you." Heather says quietly.

"What?" You ask curiously.

"I said it's because I like you okay? There I said it." Heather says louder.

"Wait. You've been acting like this because you like me?" You ask curiously.

"Yes and I'm sorry. I may be mean but I shouldn't have been mean to you because of liking you. I just didn't know how to say it." Heather says embarrassedly.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" You ask curiously.

"Because I never made you cry before and I felt bad." Heather says as she looks away.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I like you too." You say shyly.

"You do? Even after all I've done?" Heather asks in surprise.

"Why do you think I'm always so nice to you despite all that?" You ask as you chuckle.

"Well I'm glad you told me. So uh you wanna maybe hang out for a bit before we go to bed? We got tomorrow off so we can go do something together." Heather says as she smiles at you.

"I'd like that." You say kindly.

"What are you doing there?" Heather asks as she notices the bracelets you've made with the vines and flowers.

"Oh just braiding. It's not easy doing this with vines and flowers but I enjoy it." You say shyly.

"Wow. That's beautiful. Wish I could do something like that." Heather says as she looks at your creations.

"Would you like me to teach you?" You ask curiously.

"Really?" Heather asks in surprise.

"Yeah." You say kindly.

"Sure. Okay." Heather says as she smiles at you.

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