Chapter 2: Love

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Hi again!
I hope you liked the last chapter! I haven't been writing chapters for this story as other stories, ive just been focused on my fireoiny story.(this will be humanised) Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Bye! <3


It was 7:30 am and It was a lovely summer morning. Oj yawned and got out of bed. He looked at Paper and gave them a kiss on the forehead, then went over to the curtains to open them. He smiled before heading over to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Oj picked out some clothes to wear. He placed his clothes down in the bathroom and turned the shower on. A hour later, Paper finally woke up and noticed the nice weather.

Papers POV:
Wow, the weather is really nice today! That gives me an idea. Oj and I could go on a walk or a picnic together for a break. Maybe we could take a break from the hotel and, well, he needs one to be honest. He works to much and barely relaxes himself. Yea! We could both take a break.

Paper got out of bed and headed over to the bathroom. They went in and started to brush their teeth. After Paper had finished, he went to go get some clothes. Paper got changed and brushed their hair. They looked at himself in the mirror and then realised he forgot something. They went over to the bedside table opened the top draw to find it missing.
"What!, I swear it was here last time!, Oj is gonna kill me!" They said to themself. Paper checked the second and third draw for it not to be there ether. They checked in his special hiding stuff space and found there.
"Oh my god!, I thought I wasn't gonna find it!" They said.
It was a necklace which had a picture of them when they had first became friends that he got from Oj on his birthday. Speaking of their birthday, it was their birthday today, November 14! (I don't know if that's his actual birthday date but I found it online so meh :/ )

Paper put it on and headed to the kitchen. He ran down the stairs to find Oj cooking something. They ran over to Oj and hugged him which might have startled Oj.
"Ah!, Paper! Don't do that when I'm cooking." Oj said.
"Haha, sorry Oj!" Paper said.
"Well, do you want some of this?" He asked.
"What is it?" They asked.
"Just some pancakes" Oj said.
"Ofcourse!" Paper yelled.

Oj grabbed some plates while paper headed over to the table. He sat down and then Oj came over with two plates. He placed them down and then sat down.

Time skip

It was now 11 am, Oj and Paper were in the living room watching a movie with trophy, Cheesy, nickel lightbulb, paintbrush, fan and test tube. They were watching a comedy movie that lightbulb had chosen. The movie was nearly over and Paper was thinking to himself. They thought that now would be the time to tell Oj about his idea for the two of them. Just them. Paper whispered something to Oj. Oj nodded and went over to the door. Paintbrush noticed Oj opening the door for Paper.

"Hey Oj, where are you and Paper going and why at the end of the movie?" Paintbrush asked.
"We are gonna have a walk and a break from the hotel work we've been doing to y'know, relax a bit" Oj said.
Paper chimmed in, "Yea, especially Oj because he's been overworking himself and he just needs a break from the stress..."
"Oh ok, have fun you two." Lightbulb said.

They both headed out, making sure they had everything before leaving.
They both put on scarves and then closed the door. Oj grabbed Paper's hand and started to walk down the path and to the forest. They were heading to the forest until Paper noticed a shop and asked to go in and Oj said yes. They went in noticed the wide variety of cake the had. Paper looked at all that cakes they had but only one was to their liking. It was a sponge cake with raspberry sauce and white frosting between each layer. On top of it was dark red icing, raspberries, red sprinkles and raspberry drizzle. They picked up the cake from the shelf and paid for it. They both headed out the shop with the cake. Paper and Oj started walking to the forest. OJ started talking about nature and how much he enjoyed being outside with it. Paper kept looking at Oj while he was talking. This continued for 5 minutes until Oj noticed Paper was staring at him.

"Paper, Are you okay?" Oj asked.
"Huh, oh uh, yea I'm alright" Paper said.
"Oh ok, I was just confused, you kept staring at me and I thought something was wrong, that's all." Oj said, looking at the trees.
"Sorry Oj, I just spaced out" They said looking at the ground, blushing a bit, Oj started to blush a bit aswell. They continued their walk in silence until they got back to the hotel. While making their way back to the hotel, Oj looked the flowers and thought to himself. He loved nature but not as much as Paper...

Holy shit!☆! 893 words!☆! Hope you enjoyed!☆!
Bye everyone!☆!

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