Even the dreams partake

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A/n yeah I know I have a one-shot book with a few requests but I felt like making this so sorry ^^' This was mainly for my friends but if you wanna read then go ahead.  I haven't wrote anything inanimate insanity yet so this was new.

 Maybe it was the way his smile curved inwards, like a delicate butterfly for clouds floating gently in the sky. But something about the situation Trophy was in made him.... sort of happy??? You couldn't get him wrong, he absolutely positively 100% obviously hated everyone in the hotel, hell, he even went to Cheesy's shows just to yell insults at him. But, at least he wasn't rooming with Tissues anymore, his sneezing was so incredibly annoying and had even kept him up a few nights, but he supposed that a few jokes would be much more tolerable. He let out a sigh and agreed to let Cheesy be his new roommate, after all, things couldn't get much worse, could they?

It all started the first night in his new room, for some reason Trophy couldn't sleep. Sometimes he stayed up a small amount when he was angry, but tonight he wasn't, he was oddly content. Maybe it was the fact that Trophy could finally hear his own thoughts over coughing and hacking right on the other side of the room. He heard soft snores coming from the other side of the room, it wasn't even nearly close to how bad it was before, but Trophy couldn't help but get slightly annoyed at it. The more he lay there, the worse it got, to the point where he had gotten a mild headache from it. He growled quietly under his breath, though, it was unlikely cheesy could have heard it. He pushed himself up so he was now sitting on his bed, and yelled at cheesy to "SHUT UP." Some might have considered it harsh, after all the comedian was only just sleeping, but Trophy couldn't care less, but at least he thought so, But as cheesy jumped up and looked around in surprise his mind started to think differently. "wha-?" Cheesy said tiredly, after all, he had just been woken up. He looked over at Trophy seeing his frustrated expression, "Oh? Not having a gouda night I see" He chuckled, followed by a yawn. "You snore dumbass, it's annoying, quit it." He said harshly, though there was a small hint of guilt if you listened closely. "oh sorry about that, my apolocheese" he laughed, not even a small chuckle this time, a full-blown laugh. Trophy hated it, he hated how it made him feel, he felt like bugs were crawling all around inside him. It was the worst. He had to find a way to get out of the conversation, at this point he just wanted to go to bed and forget all the feelings wallowing up in his chest. He had felt like this once before, and it was terrible, it was awful and he hated it so incredibly much. "That's not even funny twerp. Just go bad to sleep, and don't fucking snore this time." He sent him a glare to try and prove his message, although his chest told him he shouldn't have, it made him want to throw up. Now though, that it was over with, he pulled the blankets over himself and went to sleep.

You might think dreaming would be an escape from thoughts and feelings, you'd think your mind would bottle them up at the night's high at least, but that's not how it works. Trophy dreamed of taking pictures of the sunset, sitting happily on the hotel's roof, even smiling, with grey clouds in the sky. He felt a paw on his shoulder, and he looked behind him, not even bothering to scour or scold whoever touched him. It was cheesy. "Water you doing up here?" he said in a questioning yet joking tone, holding out a cold water bottle, slick with condensation. "I thought taking pictures was tiring? Getting a snap of the present to look onto as the past in the future." He smiles. Trophy takes the water from his hand, sitting down on the edge of the roof. He has no clue what cheesy just said but he laughs anyway. He kicks his legs a small bit, smiling. "You seem happier today than usual, something astonishingly good happen or something?" Cheesy asks, as he sits down on the ledge next to Trophy. "No, no... I just- Today is just one of those perfect days, hell, even the weather is perfect." Trophy's posture relaxes as the soft wind blows. "hahah yeah! Today is perfect." He sighs, Trophy feels he is sad about something, so He scoots a small bit closer to him. "Don't you find it a little bit weird that there aren't any railings up here? You'd think they'd add some at least. especially with all the residents that don't particularly like each other." He states, motioning around him. "Yes... I suppose that is kind of odd..." Trophy raises a brow, unsure where this conversation is going. He stands up, quickly, almost too quickly. "I think we should uhh- go inside, yeah. Its getting dark out now." He quickly comes up with something, before more anxious with each passing tick of time. He feels as if his heart will beat so loudly that the whole world could hear it. Cheesy stands up too, but wordlessly, his small smile turns into a frown as he stares into Trophy's eyes. He mutters a few words, before 'slipping' and falling off the hotel roof.

Trophy wakes up, heart pounding, as if it is going to break right through his chest, he slowly comes to the realization that it was all just a dream, or well a nightmare, though he isn't sure why. Why would he be scared about the twerp? That doesn't make any sense. As he gets up, looking out the window and checking his phone, he suddenly recalls the words spoken.

"I know how you feel, Trophy."

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