Ive Been Stood Up (But Its Okay)

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Cameron was an outcast at the school.
Everyone ignored him.
The only time they'd look at him, they'd laugh. They would make fun of him.

Some would say, 'you're rich. Why are you wasting your time being a artist'
Others would just mock him.

No one wanted to be his friend. Until he met Courtney.
He felt butterflies in his stomach every time he saw her.

When he asked her to go with him to homecoming and she agreed, he was overjoyed.
He head gone home to his dad with a big smile on his face.
His father congratulated him.
He was happy again.

But then the night of homecoming came.

When he arrived, she wasn't there. He just assumed she was gonna be late.

He sat on a bend and waited. 15 minutes went by.
Then 30, then a hour, then a hour and a half.

He tried his best to hold out hope.
But the bullies just wouldn't stop.

"I guess that poor girl was just to disgusted to show up" one boy snickered. The other boys with him laughed as they walked away.

Cameron felt tears falling from his eyes.
People kept telling him, "she's not gonna show up" or, "you may as well go home"

It eventually became two hours.

A girl walked up to him with her friends tagging along.

"Aw, your girlfriend still hasn't shown up?" She said, smirking.
"She's not my girlfriend" Cameron said.
"I guess the new girl was to traumatized by your ugly face to even show up" the girl snickered.

"Stop. I know she's gonna come. She's just a bit late, that's all" he said.
"Keep dreaming freak boy. Your mother abandoned you. So will she" they said before leaving.

That really stabbed him in the heart.
He immediately began to sob into his hands.
She wouldn't actually just leave him hanging there, right? She had to come. She promised.

It became three hours.
Then four, then five.

Then homecoming was over.
She never came.
She really didn't show up.

"How was it?" Cameron's grandmother asked as he walked into the house.

His face was red from crying and his neck was covered in dried tears.

When she saw the state he was in, she immediately ran up to hug him.
"Cam, what's wrong? What happened?" She asked.

"She didn't come. She never showed up. They're all right. Everyone hates me" he said.
"That's not true. Courtney and her family just moved here a week ago, they are probably super busy. I'm sure she wanted to come" his grandmother replied.

"But she didn't even text me that she couldn't come" he replied.
"She might not have had time. Maybe she got the dates wrong. There are so many possibilities to what happened, I don't think she hates you. Otherwise she would've rejected you when you asked" his grandmother said, trying to comfort him.

Cameron laid on his bed and stared at his text messages with Courtney.
He knew she didn't get the dates wrong.
Her last text message to him from yesterday was, "see you tomorrow!"

He cried himself to sleep. Maybe it was better for her to silently reject him like this.

But either way, it was Friday. He had a whole weekend ahead of him.
And on Monday, he'd get to see Courtney again.

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